Heinrich Vaske

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Franz Heinrich Vaske (born July 25, 1876 in Calveslage ; † September 26, 1928 there ) was a German politician of the Christian National Peasants and Rural People's Party ( CNBL ).


Vaske was a farmer and chairman of the Oldenburg farmers' association in the Langförden community association . Together with Heinrich large supplement and Anton Langemeyer (1880–1950) he was one of the leaders of a protest movement by Catholic farmers from the offices of Cloppenburg , Vechta and Friesoythe against economic grievances, which was further fueled by tax increases to finance higher civil servants' salaries. A dispute between Heinrich Große Beilage and the top candidate for the Center, Heinrich Braun , led the supporters of the movement to break away from the Center Party and, together with the North Oldenburg protest movement, sought to found an independent party. This is where the origins of the Rural People's Party in Oldenburg lay .

In 1928 Vaske was a member of the state parliament in the Oldenburg state parliament for a few months until his death . For him, the CNBL politician Anton Langemeyer moved into the Oldenburg state parliament.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Markus Müller: The Christian National Peasant and Rural People's Party 1928-1933. Droste, Düsseldorf 2001, ISBN 978-3-7700-5235-6 , p. 514.