Heinrich XXVI. Reuss to Ebersdorf

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Heinrich XXVI. Reuss (younger line) (born January 24, 1725 in Ebersdorf ; † April 28, 1796 ibid) was a German diplomat and historian.

Ebersdorf Castle

Heinrich XXVI. was the third child of Heinrich XXIX. and his wife Countess Sophie Theodora zu Castell-Remlingen (1703–1777). He studied in Jena from 1743 to 1746 . In 1747 he entered the service of the ducal Braunschweig as a government and consistorial councilor . From 1751 he lived in Ebersdorf and devoted himself to family history research, which he published mainly in the Lobenstein non-profit intelligence journal .

Heinrich XXVI. was President of the Latin Society in Jena.

His estate is in the Unity Archive in Herrnhut .
