Heinrich von Bünau (General, 1850)

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Tomb in the Invalidenfriedhof

Heinrich von Bünau (born September 23, 1850 in Weißensee (Thuringia) , † March 14, 1919 in Charlottenburg ) was a German officer . He was a royal Prussian major general.


Heinrich von Bünau came from the primeval noble family of those von Bünau . He was the second child of the lawyer Heinrich von Bünau (* February 2, 1804, † August 6, 1867) and Klara geb. Freiin von Feilitzsch (born November 12, 1819).

After finishing school, like many of his family members, he embarked on a military career with the Prussian army. As major general he retired in Charlottenburg.

He married Therese Lucy von Borries on November 14, 1883 (born November 21, 1862). The couple had several children.

Heinrich von Bünau was buried in the Invalidenfriedhof in Berlin (grave field C). The grave is preserved.

