Heinrich von Rhede

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Heinrich von Rhede (* in the 16th century; † 1602 ) was canon in Münster .


Heinrich von Rhede came from the Emsland family von Rhede zu Brandlecht , who held the fiefdom of Brandlecht Castle from the 2nd half of the 15th century until 1715 . He was the son of Adrian von Rhede zu Brandlecht (Privy Councilor of the Bishop of Utrecht) and his wife Lucia von Goor. They got married on May 23, 1516. His brother Friedrich (* 1519) was canon in Münster from 1539 to 1545. In 1554 Heinrich received a cathedral praise from Münster . On May 8, 1557, he submitted a certificate from the University of Bologna . After a controversial prebendal matter , Heinrich renounced his benefice in June 1572 and married Countess Elisabeth von Mansfeld-Arnstein in 1574. The marriage produced six children, including the canons Wilhelm Friedrich and Johann Albert and the Knight of Malta Adolf Friedrich (1650 Grand Prior to Heitersheim). Johann Albert was married to Agnes Sibylla von Asbeck zu Goor. The son Bernhard Wilhelm , Großrpior zu Heitersheim, came from the marriage .


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. ( Germania Sacra NF 17.2) The Cathedral Monastery of St. Paulus in Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978- 3-11-008508-2 , Germania Sacra NF 17.2 Biographies of the Canons, page 19ff. Digitized.

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