Heinz Bingenheimer

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Heinz Bingenheimer (* 1923 in Köppern ; † August 17, 1964 ) was a German science fiction author. He used the pseudonyms Henry Bings and H. Bings .


Due to the war, Heinz Bingenheimer passed his secondary school diploma and was called up to serve in the Navy . After the end of the war, he became self-employed as a sales representative. His first novel was published in 1956.

At the newly founded Science Fiction Club Germany he headed the book department from 1955 and two years later founded the SF bookstore Transgalaxis in Friedrichsdorf , which still exists today and was continued by his son Rolf until his death on Feb. 7, 2020. In this way, he helped shape the development of German science fiction literature by bringing internationally known authors, including Philip K. Dick and Stanislaw Lem , to Germany and translating some of them himself.

Heinz Bingenheimer died of a heart attack in 1964 at the age of 41 .


  • Welten im Brand (under the pseudonym Henry Bings) - Balve / Westfalen: Hönne-Verlag, 1956 (also published as TERRA Volume 409)
  • Attractive future. A utopian anthology (publisher Henry Bings; with contributions by Clark Darlton , Karl-Herbert Scheer , William Voltz , Wolfgang Jeschke and Jay Grams ) - Menden / Sauerland: Bewin-Verlag, 1957
  • Catalog of German-language utopian-fantastic literature 1460 - 1960 - Friedrichsdorf / Ts: Transgalaxis, 1960
  • The jump into nowhere. Science fiction novel (fragment by Henry Bings, completed by Clark Darlton) - Balve iW: Balowa-Verlag, 1965 (also published as TERRA Volume 404)


Web links


Michael Nagula: Perry Rhodan The Chronicle. Volume 1. - Höfen (Tyrol): Hannibal Verlag, 2011. P. 119f

Individual evidence

  1. Transgalaxis Imprint