Heinz Happ

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Heinz Happ (born May 8, 1931 in Frankfurt am Main ; † January 14, 2014 in Tübingen ) was a German classical philologist .

Happ studied Latin and Greek at the universities of Frankfurt and Tübingen . He completed his studies in 1958 with a dissertation on the late Roman author Luxurius (a poet named Lisorius equated Happ with Luxurius in a later treatise). In 1966 the habilitation took place with the work Hyle - studies on the Aristotelian concept of matter . In 1967 Happ became a lecturer, from 1973 an adjunct professor at the University of Tübingen, and in 1979 he was appointed C2 professor . In his other scientific work, Happ appeared primarily as a promoter of the dependency grammar in its application to Latin and thus significantly advanced the development of Latin school grammar.

Heinz Happ was married for the second time and had four children.

Fonts (selection)

  • Luxurius. Text, commentary, research . Diss. Tübingen 1961. Print version: Stuttgart, Teubner 1986, 2 volumes (collection of scientific commentaries).
  • Hyle. Studies on the Aristotelian concept of matter. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 1971 (Habil.-Schr. Univ. Tübingen).
  • Basic questions of a dependent grammar of Latin. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1976. (Basic work on the application of the dependency grammar to Latin)
  • Together with Ulrich Dönnges: Dependency grammar and Latin lessons. Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1977.
  • To renew the Latin school grammars . Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main / Berlin / Munich 1977.
  • Paradigmatic - syntagmatic. To determine and clarify two basic concepts in linguistics. C. Winter, Heidelberg 1985.


  • Who's who in Germany. 16th edition. Publisher Intercontinental Book and Publishing Group (ipb), Berlin / Vienna / Montreal / Singapore 2011.
  • Heinz Happ. In: Wilfried Kürschner : Linguist Handbook . Publishing house Dr. Gunter Narr, Tübingen 1998.
  • Beate Noack, Thomas A. Szlezák : Heinz Happ † In: Gnomon Vol. 87 (2015), pp. 89–94.


  1. Heinz Happ: On the Lisorius question. In: Archivum latinitatis medii aevi. Bulletin Du Cange. Vol. 32, 1962, pp. 189-225 ( online on I-Revues ).