Heinz Harnisch

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Heinz Harnisch (born March 8, 1934 ) was a football player in the GDR Oberliga , the top division of the GDR Football Association . There he played for SC progress Weissenfels .

The company sports association (BSG) of the Weißenfelser Schuhfabrik played in the top field from the founding of the second -rate East German soccer league in 1950/51, and in 1954/55, converted to the progress sports club, was promoted to the GDR upper league. Belonging to the younger generation of football, the 20-year-old Heinz Harnisch tied the strings in midfield, where he was mostly used on the left. In the fall of 1955, a simple transition round was held in order to align with the calendar year rhythm that was in effect from 1956, in which SC progress was already playing in the top division. The new coach Herbert Worbs used Harnisch for the imprisoned Franz Straube as the central defensive player, and in this position Harnisch enters all 13 point games. At the beginning of his first regular league season in 1957, Harnisch first had to represent his former midfield partner Horst Bechstedt in his position before returning to the central defense from the 8th match day. After the 17th matchday, Harnisch was injured so badly that he could no longer gain a foothold in competitive sports. Although he was still used in five point games in 1956, but only three of them over the full playing time. 1957 was the last league season for Harnisch. Coach Worbs used him in the first five league games because important regular players were always missing. When the player base had stabilized again, Harnisch was only used three times until the summer break. He played his last league game on July 7, 1957 as a substitute at the encounter between SC activist Brieske-Senftenberg and SC progress Weissenfels (1: 2). Including the transition round in 1955, Harnisch had completed 43 games in the GDR Oberliga.


  • Andreas Baingo, Michael Horn: The History of the GDR Oberliga. Verlag Die Werkstatt, Göttingen 2003, ISBN 3-89533-428-6 .
  • GDR sports newspaper Deutsches Sportecho . Born 1954 to 1957