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legal form GmbH
founding 2006
Seat Dresden , GermanyGermanyGermany 
management Guido van Tartwijk
Branch Solar industry
Website www.heliatek.de

Heliatek is a German company with headquarters in Dresden . It was founded in 2006 as a start-up company as a spin-off of the Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) of the TU Dresden and the University of Ulm .

Guido van Tartwijk has been CEO of Heliatek GmbH since November 2018. The company is based in Dresden , with another location in Ulm .

Product line

The company develops and produces lightweight, flexible solar films less than 1 mm thick. During production, homogeneous layers of oligomers are vapor-deposited in vacuo at low temperatures .

As Thomas Bickl (Heliotek) explained in 2015, the efficiency of organic solar films remains stable over a wide temperature range, which is particularly important in warmer countries. The foils also have a “good energy balance during production” and “easy recycling”. According to the company, the films are particularly suitable for facades and roof surfaces of buildings which, for structural reasons, cannot support conventional solar modules .

The company initially focused entirely on business customers. Heliatek entered the market with the integration of its solar film in building materials such as glass and concrete.


In 2015, a covered walkway at Seletar Airport in Singapore was fitted with solar foils. In 2017, together with the energy supply company Engie , Heliatek installed the world's largest system of organic photovoltaics on a roof of 530 m² at the Collège Pierre Mendès-France in La Rochelle , France . With an expected output of 23.8 MWh per year, it should cover 15–20% of the school's energy needs. In a pilot project in Donauwörth in 2019, a solar film of around 230 m² was attached to the facade of a grain silo , with an expected output of 6.7 MWh per year.


  • 2011 German Future Prize for the project "Organic Electronics - More Light and Energy from Very Thin Molecular Layers"
  • 2015 nomination as “Technology Pioneer” by the World Economic Forum
  • 2015 Renewable Energy Design Award, at the Elektra European Electronics Industry Awards ceremony

Individual evidence

  1. ChemEurope report: Heliatek GmbH. In: www.chemeurope.com. Retrieved June 15, 2019 .
  2. a b Heliatek, under the leadership of Investment Holding AQTON SE, closes the C financing round with EUR 18 million. In: high-tech-gruenderfonds.de. September 30, 2014, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  3. Martin Jendrischik: Heliatek is testing organic solar films in the Port of Duisburg. In: www.cleanthinking.de. November 13, 2018, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  4. About: CEO Guido van Tartwijk. In: www.heliatek.com. Retrieved June 15, 2019 .
  5. a b c d Heliatek, German “Technology Pioneer”, takes part in the World Economic Forum in DAVOS. In: oes-net.de. Organic Electronics Saxony , January 20, 2016, accessed on June 25, 2019 (English).
  6. Markus Haller: Organic solar films can keep up: The efficiency is not everything. In: www.elektroniknet.de/. November 13, 2015, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  7. a b Heiko Weckbrodt: Heliatek Dresden goes public in 2020. In: olger.de. March 15, 2018, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  8. Susanne Neumann: Heliatek from Dresden produces organic solar film for buildings in Singapore. In: www.ingenieur.de. March 23, 2015, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  9. Building-integrated photovoltaics: Heliatek reports successful installation of HeliaFilm on aluminum in Singapore. In: www.solarserver.de. September 16, 2015, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  10. Tom Kenning: Engie and Heliatek launch 'world's largest' OPV system on French school roof. In: www.pv-tech.org. November 16, 2017, accessed June 15, 2019 .
  11. Solar foils on facades: pilot test in Donauwörth. In: www.br.de. Bayerischer Rundfunk , June 13, 2019, accessed on June 15, 2019 .
  12. Sandra Enkhardt: Heliatek and Lechwerke test PV facade on grain silo. In: www.pv-magazine.com. May 27, 2019, accessed June 15, 2019 .