Hellmut Wollmann

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Hellmut Wollmann (born April 12, 1936 in Kreibitz / Czechoslovakia ) is a German political and administrative scientist.


After attending school in Ulm and Esslingen , Wollmann studied law and political science at the University of Heidelberg and at the Free University of Berlin from 1956 to 1962 . He was a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation . In 1957 and 1958 he studied political science as a Fulbright scholar at Wesleyan University , Middletown, Connecticut, USA. In 1962 he passed his first state examination in law at the University of Heidelberg and completed his legal traineeship, interrupted by study visits to London and Rome, which served to prepare his dissertation on the topic of "Position of Parliamentary Minorities in England, Italy and Germany". In 1967 he passed his second state examination in law and was awarded a doctorate at the Law Faculty of Heidelberg University. jur. (" PhD supervisors": Carl Joachim Friedrich and Hermann Mosler ) doctorate.

From 1967 to 1974 Wollmann was a research assistant to Carl Joachim Friedrich at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Heidelberg. In 1970 and 1971 he was a Kennedy Memorial Fellow at Harvard University , Cambridge, USA. From 1974 to 1993 he was professor for administrative research at the Central Institute for Social Science Research at the Free University of Berlin and from 1993 until his retirement in 2001 at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin .

In 1975 Wollmann founded the non-university (private sector) research and consulting institute IfS Institute for Urban Research and Structural Policy GmbH Berlin (www.ifsberlin.de) and has been its co-partner and employee since then.

Wollmann belongs to several national and international professional associations: u. a. the German Association for Political Science ( DVPW ) (whose working group on local political research he headed between 1975 and 1996), the International Political Science Association , IPSA (whose Research Committee on the Comparative Study of Local Politics he headed between 1985 and 1994) and the European Evaluation Society (of which he was co-founder and - 1998/99 - President).

Wollmann is u. a. Member of the Academy for Spatial Research and Regional Planning , Hanover, and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Groupement de Recherches sur l'Administration Locale en Europe (GRALE), Paris.

Numerous research trips and research and consulting assignments (including from federal ministries, Council Europe, OECD, UNDP) have taken him to Japan, China, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation and the successor states of the USSR.

He regularly held visiting professorships and guest lectures abroad. a. (1985) at the National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA), Tokyo, Japan, (between 2006 and 2008) at the University of Bejing (Baida) in PR China, in Moscow, London, Paris, Gothenburg, Madrid, Milan.

Research areas

  • International comparative political and administrative research, with a focus on the sub-national / local level
  • Evaluation research



  • S. Kuhlmann, H. Wollmann: Introduction to Comparative Public Administration. Administrative Systems and Reforms in Europe. Edward Elgar Publisher 2014.
  • S. Kuhlmann, H. Wollmann: Administration and administrative reforms in Europe, introduction to comparative administrative science. SpringerVS, Wiesbaden 2013.
  • H. Wollmann: Reforms in local politics and administration. England, Sweden, France and Germany in comparison. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008.
  • H. Wollmann, HU Derlien, K. König, W. Renzsch, W. Seibel: Transformation of the political-administrative structures in East Germany. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1997.


  • H. Wollmann, I. Kopric, G. Marcou (Eds.): Public and Social Services in Europe, From Public and Municipal to Private Sector Provision. Palgrave Mcmillan, 2016.
  • H. Wollmann, G. Marcou (Ed.): Provision of Public Services in Europe, Between State, Local Government and Market. Edgar Elgar Publisher, 2010.
  • H. Wollmann (Ed.): Evaluation in Public Sector Reform, Concepts and Practice in International Perspective. Edward Elgar Publisher, 2003.
  • R. Czada, H. Wollmann (Ed.): From the Bonn to the Berlin Republic. (= Leviathan special issue. 19/1999). West German publishing house.
  • H. Wollmann, H. Wiesenthal, F. Bönker (Hrsg.): Transformation of socialist societies. At the end of the beginning. (= Leviathan. Special issue. 15/1995). West German publishing house.
  • P. Wagner, CH Weiss, B. Wittrock, H. Wollmann (Eds.): Social Sciences and Modern States. Cambridge U Press, 1991
  • B. Blanke, H. Wollmann (ed.): The old Federal Republic, continuity and change. (= Leviathan. Special issue. 12/1991). West German publishing house.
  • GM Hellstern, H. Wollmann (Hrsg.): Handbuch zur Evaluationforschung. Volume 1, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1983.
  • GM Hellstern, H. Wollmann (Ed.): Experimental Politics. West German Publishing House, 1983.
  • H. Wollmann (Ed.): Politics in the thicket of bureaucracy, contributions to implementation research. (= Leviathan. Special issue 3/1979).

Series of publications

  • Editor of the publication series "Stadtforschung aktuell" (at Springer VS Verlag), approx. 150 volumes (since 1983)
  • Co-editor (alongside Harald Baldersheim and Peter John) of the (English-language) series "Urban and Regional Research International" (at Springer VS Verlag), 12 volumes (since 2005)


  • E. Schröter (Ed.): Empirical Policy and Administrative Research, Festschrift for Hellmut Wollmann on his 65th birthday . VS Verlag, 2001.

Web links