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Hemaka in hieroglyphics
H U2

Hemaka (Hema ka)
Ḥm3 k3
1st title
S20 L2

Ḫtm.tj-bjtj Sealer of
the King of Lower Egypt
Hemaka Vase.jpg
Alabaster vase with Hemaka's name

Hemaka was a senior Egyptian official who served under King ( Pharaoh ) Den in the 1st Dynasty .

supporting documents

He is known from numerous unrolled seals and ivory plaques that were found in Abydos and Saqqara . He is probably one of the first officials with the title of sealer of the king . His other titles indicate that he was the head of royal domains .

Title of the Hemaka

  • " Seal of the King of Lower Egypt "
  • " Manager of the facility 'Horus who mines the mountain' "
  • " Manager of the jug magazine of the facility 'Horus, who mines the mountain' "
  • " Magazine manager of the ladder "


His grave may have been in Saqqara. Mastaba S3035 is attributed to him. The grave is one of the largest from this period and it was found partially unlooted. One of the finds there is the oldest known papyrus roll to date , which, however, was unlabeled. The assignment of the tomb to Hemaka is not clear.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ WM Flinders Petrie : The Royal tombs of the earliest dynasties: 1901. Part II (= Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund. Volume 21). Egypt Exploration Fund et al., London 1901 ( digitization ), Plate XX, No. 161, 163, online .
  2. a b W. M. Flinders Petrie: The Royal tombs of the earliest dynasties: 1901. Part II. London 1901, Plate XX, No. 163, ( online ).