Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia

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Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia
Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia.jpg

Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Haplochromini
Genre : Hemitaeniochromis
Type : Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia
Scientific name
Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia
( Regan , 1922)

Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia ( Syn . Haplochromis urotaenia ) is in the East African Malawisee endemic living cichlid .


The fish species can reach a total length of 22 cm. It has an elongated, laterally somewhat flattened body and is of a greenish-gray (males) or silvery-gray (females) basic color. The front edges of the scales are orange. A black stripe, especially interrupted on the front half of the body, extends from the tail stalk to the rear edge of the gill cover. Two more stripes, directly below the dorsal fin, are reduced to rows of dots. The fins are transparent and gray. The lower part of the caudal fin is sooty. The lower jaw is longer than the upper jaw and protrudes. In the males the dorsal and anal fins are extended, in the females they are rounded.

H. urotaenia differs from the second species of the genus Hemitaeniochromis , H. brachyrhynchus , in its broader tearbone , which is almost exactly as wide as the length of the orbit, while the bone in H. brachyrhynchus is only one third the length of the orbit . The snout is also longer than the orbit is long (shorter in H. brachyrhynchus ), the eyes are smaller. The diameter of the orbit is 22 to 28% of the length of the head (compared to 36 to 38% in H. brachyrhynchus ). The lower jaw is longer (45 to 51% of the head length (compared to 39 to 41% in H. brachyrhynchus )).

Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia lives and hunts in pairs or in small groups over sandy soils. Like all haplochromine cichlids, the species is an ovophilic mouthbrooder in which the female takes care of the brood.

Individual evidence

  1. Erwin Schraml: Hemitaeniochromis urotaenia. In: Claus Schaefer, Torsten Schröer (Hrsg.): The large lexicon of aquaristics. 2 volumes. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8001-7497-9 , p. 471.
  2. Michael K. Oliver (2012): Hemitaeniochromis brachyrhynchus , a new species of cichlid fish from Lake Malaŵi, with comments on some other supposed members of the genus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) . Zootaxa , 3410: 35-50.

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