Hendrik van der Money

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Hendrik van der Geld (born November 9, 1838 in Elshout , † November 8, 1914 in 's-Hertogenbosch ) was a Dutch sculptor who worked primarily in the service of the church.


Hendrik was born in 1828 to Adriaan van der Geld, a farmer and shopkeeper, and his wife Joanna von Leiden in the small village of Elshout in the province of North Brabant . At a young age he found interest in wood carving. His talent was discovered by the family doctor who enabled him to attend the School of Visual Arts. From 1863 to 1870 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. After graduating, he worked as a restorer at St. John's Cathedral in 's-Hertogenbosch and opened his own studio in 1872 in which he created numerous neo-Gothic sculptures for the diocese of' s-Hertogenbosch and the neighboring Rhineland. In 1877 he married Maria Catharina Josephina Marto, the couple had a son.

Hendrik van der Geld died on November 8, 1914, the day before his 76th birthday. Posthumously he was honored in numerous publications for his special skills and work. In 1989 a book was published about his work by the authors A. Jansen, C. van Leeuwen and G. Vrins: 'Arbeyd sere voert tot eere' Hendrik van der Geld, de neogotiek en de Brabantse beeldhouwkunst, publisher: Stichting Zuidelijk (Tilburg 1989)


Well-known works by van der Geld are the altar and altarpiece of the Saint Ann church . From 1877 to 1881 he worked on the restoration of the medieval choir stalls on behalf of the diocese of 's-Hertogenbosch. The restoration was a large, complex and expensive restoration, with Hendrik van der Geld even having to completely replace many parts.

  • H. Antonius (Van der Does de Willeboissingel)
  • Reliëf (Mortuarium GZG)
  • Vier heiligbeelden (anthonius chapel)
  • Zetel der wijsheid (Hervensedijk)

Picture gallery


  • H. Tummers: Hendrik van der Geld en zijn neo-Gothic works within the collectie Informatiebulletin van het Museum voor religieuze Kunst (Uden 1989) Page: 124–139
  • AJC van Leeuwen: Hendrik van der Geld, een kerkelijke kunstwerkplaats in 's-Hertogenbosch Met gansen trou 40 (1990) page: 66–75
  • Peter Thoben: Hendrik van der Geld, neo-Gothic beeldhouwer, Brabantia 7 (1989) pages 23-24
