Stallion performance test

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A stallion performance test or HLP for short is used to select and evaluate domestic horses - stallions with a view to their later use as breeding animals . Passing this test is a prerequisite for entry in the Stallion Book I of the respective breed ; this entry then exists for life.

In order to take part in a stallion performance test, the stallion must usually have been licensed beforehand . A stallion performance test for warmblood stallions is deemed to have been passed if the stallion has either successfully completed a so-called station test or can demonstrate a certain number of tournament successes in the advanced class.

Up until the year 2000, the station test consisted of a 100-day test, after which it was divided into a 30-day disposition test and a 70-day performance test, which are carried out at intervals of several months. The disposition test has come under increasing criticism lately because it takes place relatively early in the year and the mostly three-year-old stallions at this point are therefore ridden very young. In the tests, in addition to jumping ability, rideability and movement sequence, the interior, i.e. the “inner” characteristics of a stallion such as character, temperament, willingness to perform and constitution are assessed. An overall index as well as a dressage and jumping index are created on this basis. These indices are not to be confused with the values ​​of a breeding value estimation . Stallions who have exceeded a certain age limit, usually 5 years, when taking the test, receive a flat-rate point deduction.

The station test for riding pony stallions is basically similar to that for warmblood stallions , but the total test duration is only 30 days. Quarter horses must complete a 50-day test, which consists of reining, trail, pleasure and western riding. Thoroughbred stallions do not have to take a stallion performance test. Here, the selection for whole blood breeding takes place via the general balance weight (GAG). If the stallion is to be used for refinement in riding horse breeding, he can, however, also complete a HLP if he has not competed. Success in dressage or jumping competitions can also bring the thoroughbred stallion a breeding license as a refiner. In the case of cold-blooded stallions, the riding tests are omitted and the traction is tested instead.

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