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Under thoroughbreds are breeds understood their breeding history on Arab horse back.

Mostly thoroughbred Arabs , English thoroughbred and Anglo-Arabs are meant. In Germany, thoroughbreds that are used for refinement are marked separately in the stud books of the refined breed. English thoroughbreds get an xx after the name of the horse, Anglo-Arabs an x ​​and Arabian thoroughbred horses an ox.

The English thoroughbred was born in England in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Thoroughbreds are primarily bred for horse racing.

Anglo-Arabs are a cross between English and Arabian thoroughbred. They are particularly common in Poland, France and England. Anglo-Arab breeding is less popular in Germany.

Thoroughbred breeds

Thoroughbred breeds are oriental breeds that have been bred by nomadic tribes through centuries or millennia of breeding selection. In addition to the Arabs, these breeds were used in the breeding of the English thoroughbred to refine the English country mares. These include Akhal-Teke , Berbers, and Turkmen ( Byerley Turk ).

Trotter breeds are bred for trotting races .

  • The Orlov trotter was bred from Russian warmblood mares and Arab stallions at the end of the 18th century.
  • The studbook for American Standardbred was opened at the end of the 19th century. The breed was bred from Narragansett Pacer with English thoroughbred blood.
  • The first stud books for the Trotteur Français were opened in 1897, it arose from the Anglo-Normans and English thoroughbred.
  • The Russian trotter was created at the beginning of the 20th century from the cross of the Orlov trotter and the American Standardbred, as the international comparison showed that the Orlov trotter performed worse than the Standardbred in races.


Half-bloods are horses in which one of the parents is a thoroughbred (usually English thoroughbred). The whole blood content must be at least 50%.

Horses that have three thoroughbred grandparents are called three-quarter bloods. In eventing, there are also many Bl-bloods with seven thoroughbred great-grandparents. Although these have warmblood papers, they no longer look much like a warmblood .

See also

Web links

Commons : Thoroughbred  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ Gerhard Kapitzke: The horse from A - Z, ISBN 3-405-13275-4