Henk Bijvanck

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Henk Bijvanck (born November 6, 1909 in Koedoes (island of Java ), † September 5, 1969 in Heemstede ) was a Dutch composer .


He studied piano and music theory with Carl Oberstadt in The Hague . In 1929 Bijvanck went to Vienna, where he studied composition with Franz Schmidt and Prof. Andrasszy piano.

From 1932 to 1938 he worked as a composer in Vienna . In 1938 he returned to The Hague, where he stayed until 1943. From 1943 to 1945 Bijvanck worked at the Institute of the Vienna Boys' Choir and at the Vienna Volksoper . Then he went to Amsterdam, where he worked at the music school until 1947. Bijvank also worked for the Dutch radio.


In the period from 1938 to 1943, Bijvanck wrote various pieces for piano, a piano concerto, a requiem, a string quartet, sonatas for violin and piano and several songs.

In Vienna he wrote a violin concerto, the Liberation Symphony ( Bevrijdingssymphonie ) and a mystery play Il santo , which has the form of a mimic ballet with orchestral accompaniment and spoken word.

In 1945 he wrote a dramatic opera in four acts for Josef and his brothers . In 1946 the Concertgebouw Orchestra performed the Liberation Symphony under the direction of Hein Jordans.

Since 1946, Bijvanck composed songs for all types of voices, three harp songs by King David (texts by Joost van den Vondel ), a sonata for cello, compositions for piano, a symphonietta for string orchestra and the Lourdes symphony with a large final chorus of the sad.

For song compositions Bijvanck also used poems by Christian Morgenstern :

  • O do not be sad!
  • Love, dearest, in the distance from And but a wreath forms , composed in 1965
  • Sailing from One Summer
  • Waterfall at night from We Found a Path , composed in 1965
  • Dream forest out of melancholy , composed in 1967
  • How can a day full of so much pain , composed in 1964

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