Henri-Auguste Barbier

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Henri-Auguste Barbier

Henri-Auguste Barbier (born April 28, 1805 in Paris , † February 14, 1882 in Nice ) was a French satirist .

Barbier studied law and graduated with success. Despite various possibilities, Barbier never worked as a lawyer, but switched to writing since his studies. Together with Alphonse Royer he made his debut in 1830 with the novel Les mauvais garcons . In this work, the two of them draw an opulent painting of medieval society in France.

Politically interested and committed since his studies, Barbier addressed the events of the July Revolution in many satires. In his main work Iambes et poèmes (EA 1831) he scourged a. a. the decay of morals, the rampant corruption , the shameless greed of the upstart and opportunists who determined the fate of France after 1830, and the senseless idolatry of Napoleon Bonaparte .

Iambes et poèmes were translated very successfully in 1832 by Lebrecht Günther Förster under the title Scourge blows for the great nation . A selection can also be found in Emanuel Geibel's Five Books of French Poetry .

In addition to his home country France, Barbier also dealt with the political situation in other countries, e. B. In Il pianto (1833) he described the political struggle in Italy and in Laza (1837) he broke a lance for the fate of British and Irish day laborers . In time, however, the political accusation in his work gave way to a certain mild age wisdom; an example would be the title Satires (1865).

Barbier lived as a freelance writer in Paris and was elected to the Académie française in 1869 as one of the 40 Immortals . Barbier settled in Nice around 1877 and died there on February 14, 1882 at the age of almost 77.


  • Iambes et poèmes . 1831
  • Il pianto . 1833
  • Laza . 1837
  • Benvenuto Cellini . Opera in 3 acts (together with Léon de Wailly ). Music (1834–1838): Hector Berlioz . Premiere September 10, 1838 Paris ( Théâtre de l'Académie Royale de Musique )
  • Chants civils et religieux (poems). 1841
  • Rimes heroes . 1843
  • Silves, poésies di verses . 1864
  • Satires . 1865
  • Trois passions (short stories). 1867
  • Souvenirs personnels et silhouettes contemporaines . 1883
  • Poésies posthumous . 1884
  • Érostrate
  • Pot de vin

Web links

Wikisource: Auguste Barbier  - Sources and full texts (French)