Henri Gouhier

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Henri Gouhier (born December 5, 1898 in Auxerre , † March 31, 1994 in Paris ) was a French philosopher and university professor specializing in the history of philosophy .

Gouhier studied at the École normal supérieure (1919-1922) and received his doctorate in 1926. From 1929 to 1940 he taught philosophy at the University of Lille , from 1940 to 1941 at the University of Bordeaux and from 1941 to 1968 at the Sorbonne . He has emerged as a historian of philosophy with numerous publications, especially on the history of French philosophy from Descartes to Bergson .

In 1979 he was accepted into the Académie française .


  • Michèle Sacquin (Ed.): Henri Gouhier. Historien des philosophes français (1898-1994) , Paris 2002, ISBN 2-7177-2213-0

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