Henri Milloux

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Henri Milloux (born April 13, 1898 in Crépy-en-Laonnois , † June 28, 1980 in Bordeaux ) was a French mathematician .

Paul Henri Milloux studied at the University of Lille . Then he went to Paris, where he received his doctorate in 1924. From 1926 he was first maître de conférences and then professor in Strasbourg until he accepted a professorship in Bordeaux in 1933 , where he stayed until his retirement.

Milloux's main field of work was function theory , especially the theory of whole and meromorphic functions. Here he worked, for example, on the Julia and Borel directions . Other results concern the value distribution of derivatives. He showed that in the second law of the Nevanlinna theory one can replace the number function of the digits of the function by the number function of the digits of a derivative of , if the following applies. In addition to his results on this topic, the problem of Carleman -Milloux and the related theorem of Milloux- Schmidt (also inequality of Milloux-Schmidt, English Milloux-Schmidt inequality) are connected to his name.

Milloux had been a member of the French Academy of Sciences since 1959 . He gave lectures at the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Zurich in 1932 and in Oslo in 1936 .


  • Henri Cartan : Notice nécrologiques sur Henri Milloux. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences (Vie académique), Volume 292 (1981), pp. 85-88.

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Individual evidence

  1. see WK Hayman , Meromorphic Functions , Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1964, where the corresponding section 3.1 is called Milloux theory .
  2. see R. Nevanlinna , Unique analytical functions , Springer-Verlag, 1953; the problem is formulated on p. 72 and is discussed in detail in the following pages and in Section IV.5, which is headed accordingly.
  3. see A. Dinghas , Vorlesungen über Funktionentheorie , Springer-Verlag, 1961, § 7.6, or WK Hayman , Subharmonic Functions , Volume 2, Academic Press, 1989, § 6.1.1, for sections with corresponding headings.