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Herakon ( Greek  Ἡράκων ; † 324 BC in Susa ) was a Macedonian officer of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC.

Little is known about Herakon's role on the Asian campaign ; he may have been the leader of a mercenary force. 330 BC He was left behind in Ekbatana to belong to the staff of the general Parmenion . But he murdered this in the same year on Alexander's instructions, together with the officers Kleandros , Agathon and Sitalkes . All four officers led a regiment of terror in Ekbatana in the years that followed, harassing the local population and enriching themselves. When Alexander returned from India unexpectedly, they were discovered in 324 BC. Ordered to Karmana , where they had to answer to the army assembly. While the other three were found guilty and executed, Herakon was found innocent. In Susa, however, he was accused by the local population of desecrating their temples, which he had also committed during Alexander's absence. This time Herakon was found guilty and executed.

See also

