Herbert Sennewald

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Herbert Paul Konrad Sennewald (born June 5, 1905 in Wittenberg , † in the 20th century) was a German film director and production manager .


The son of a chief customs inspector attended high school and then the Andre Sergieff ballet school. Since 1926 Sennewald was active on Berlin stages and went on numerous tours. He first came to film as a prop master before he was promoted to production manager in the late 1930s. In this role, Herbert Sennewald was involved in films such as Johannisfeuer, Zentrale Rio , Jud Suss , The Swedish Nightingale , Leichte Muse, Season in Salzburg, Friday the 13th, Die Fledermaus , The Trial and Fregola . Since 1949 Sennewald initially supervised Austrian and then German productions as a production manager. From 1958 to 1961 he worked regularly with Alfred Vohrer . As early as 1961, Sennewald ended his cinema career with three Edgar Wallace films, after which he only worked briefly in television.

Herbert Sennewald was married to the actress Leopoldine Ferstl and had two sons, born in 1944 and 1953, respectively. At the end of his professional career, the man from Wittenberg had two residences, one in Starnberg and one in St. Johann in Tirol .


as production manager


  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 , p. 1598 f.

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