Herbert Wallbrecher

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Herbert Wallbrecher (born June 21, 1922 in Hagen (Westphalia) ; † January 5, 1997 in Bad Tölz ) was a German business lawyer who initiated the Catholic Integrated Community together with his wife Traudl Wallbrecher .


Since his youth he belonged to the Catholic Bund New Germany , which was banned by the National Socialist regime in 1939. The lifelong friendship with Johannes Joachim Degenhardt , the later cardinal and archbishop of Paderborn, came from this time . In 1941 his two older brothers fell in the Russian campaign. In 1944 he was able to take his legal war state examination, after the war he was awarded a Dr. iur. PhD and settled as a lawyer after the end of the war because he did not have to go through denazification.

Through the cousin of a comrade-in-arms who was a member of the Heliand group of Traudl Weiß in Munich-Schwabing, he found out about her resignation from the Heliand-Bund and about the establishment of the "Junge Bund". He traveled to Bavaria in 1948 to get to know this group personally. On October 2, 1949, he married Traudl Weiß in Munich; she moved to him in Hagen. There he transferred the insurance agency inherited from her father to her, while he himself worked as a lawyer. Three children were born in Hagen. In 1960 the family moved to Munich, where the youngest of the four children was born that same year.

Herbert Wallbrecher supported his wife from the start in building up the group from which the Catholic Integrated Congregation emerged in 1968 . With his wealth and expertise he created the basis for the independence of the integrated community from state and church subsidies. Creating a space for thinking and acting was essential for him.

So together with other community members he founded the Integra savings and credit cooperative in 1973 in order to be able to finance projects of the integrated community, for example in Tanzania.

At the same time he participated in the theological reflection in exchange with the theologians of the integrated community . One of the main concepts that he kept thinking about was the fear of God .

Wallbrecher was also politically active. As a member of the CSU , he was chairman of the district committee 9b in Munich's slaughterhouse and meadow district for twelve years . In a “forum of social democrats” he gathered interested parties in which he discussed solutions to current political problems across party lines.

He is the namesake of the Herbert Wallbrecher School , a primary school in the parish in Mikese in Tanzania.


  • Supplement to Today in Church and World No. 11/2005: “Thoughts on the social market economy from the Christian spirit”, S 6, ISSN  1616-2293
  • “'Poor before God' - an interpretation for today - on the 10th anniversary of Dr. Herbert Wallbrecher ”by Arnold Stötzel, in: Today in Church and World, No. 2/2007, p. 13.
  • Quotes from his letters: Achim Buckenmaier : "The Lord has become King", in: Today in Church and World, No. 4/2007, p. 11.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. “No Heavenly Delusion? A Comparative Study of 3 Communal Movements, "Mike Tyldesley, Liverpool University Press, 2003, ISBN 0853236089 , p. 44
  2. "Today in Church and World", special no. as of February 21, 2001, p. 2 and p. 6
  3. Herbert Wallbrecher: "The basics of natural law with Adolf Trendelenburg and Victor Cathrein", Diss. Iur. Cologne 1949, quoted in: Felix Dirsch: “Solidarism and Social Ethics”, p. 287, ISBN 3-8258-9661-7 , LIT-Verlag Berlin, 2006
  4. "Today in Church and World", special no. May 18, 2003, letter to his wife on the silver wedding anniversary, p. 8
  5. "Today in Church and World", special no. as of February 21, 2001, p. 3
  6. Dr. Bernhard Koch: God always creates something new . In: Catholic Integrated Congregation (ed.): Theologica . No. 3 . Baierbrunn 2016, ISBN 978-3-946577-03-4 , pp. 8-11 .
  7. "Today in Church and World", No. 3/2002, p. 12, Kurt Peter: "Can you do a Catholic business?"
  8. "Today in Church and World", No. 12/2001, Arnold Stötzel "Translate the 'Ora et Labora' of the monks into new forms?"
  9. “Today in Church and World”, No. 7/2002, p. 2 and “Church without church tax?” By Arnold Stötzel, in: “Today in Church and World”, No. 12/2005, p. 2 and 3
  10. “No Heavenly Delusion? A Comparative Study of 3 Communal Movements, "Mike Tyldesley, Liverpool University Press, 2003, ISBN 0853236089 , p. 43
  11. ^ Frank Simon: “Entrepreneurial Success and Social Responsibility”, Gabler Edition Wissenschaft, 1994, ISBN 978-3-8244-6062-5 , p. 166
  12. "Today in Church and World", No. 2/2004, P. A10, Heinrich Wolfrum: Explanation of the text for the 1st Sunday of Lent
  13. ^ Rudolf Pesch : Unmixed and unseparated . In: Traudl Wallbrecher (Ed.): Today in Church and World . No. 1/2006 . Urfeld, Bad Tölz 2006, p. 3 .
  14. "Today in Church and World", 9/2002, p. 7 in Heinrich Wolfrum: "Von der Gottesfurcht"
  15. Supplement to Today in Church and World, No. 11/2005, p. 4
  16. "Today in Church and World", 04/2004, p. 13
  17. ^ Reports from Tanzania 2015: The Girls' Boarding School in Mikese , Catholic Integrated Community 2015