Catholic Integrated Congregation

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The Catholic Integrated Congregation (KIG) is an apostolic association in the Roman Catholic Church and, according to German law, a registered association based in Baierbrunn. It is ecclesiastically recognized in various dioceses in Germany , Austria , Italy and Tanzania and canonically established by the responsible local bishop . Activities have recently decreased noticeably.


The origins of the KIG go back to 1945. The initiators Traudl Wallbrecher , nee Weiß, and the lawyer Herbert Wallbrecher developed their idea of ​​an integrated community as a response to the Holocaust until it was implemented in Munich in 1968. The group was oriented towards modern exegesis , the liturgy and ecumenical movement , the Jewish roots of Christianity and the philosophy and literature of the post-war period (including the French existentialists ).

In 1978 the KIG was founded by the Archbishop of Paderborn , Cardinal Johannes Joachim Degenhardt , and in the same year by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Archbishop of Munich and Freising and later Pope Benedict XVI. , church approved. 1985 followed the establishment as a "public association" according to c. 301 of the Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC). Integrated congregations were set up in other dioceses in Germany, Austria, Tanzania and Italy, or clergy members of the KIG were delegated to parishes in these dioceses.

Their conference center in Urfeld am Walchensee, Upper Bavaria, as well as various facilities in Munich and Bad Tölz have developed into overarching centers of the community . This was followed by the international Villa Cavalletti center near Rome, which was built with considerable resources, but was only used for a short time. On October 25, 2003, the KIG opened the "Academy for the Theology of the People of God" in its Roman center and received a detailed message of greetings from the then Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , Joseph Ratzinger. The task of the academy, which KIG initiator Traudl Wallbrecher had formulated in consultation with Ratzinger, was the interdisciplinary reflection on the people of God made up of Jews and Christians . The first director of the academy was Ludwig Weimer , a member of the PiD priest in the service of Catholic Integrated Congregations. V. On March 13, 2009, Weimer became the newly created chair for theology at the Pontifical Lateran University in the presence of Traudl Wallbrecher, the rector of the Lateran University, Archbishop Rino Fisichella , and the Israeli ambassador to the Holy See , Mordechay Lewy of the People of God , established at the Pastoral Institute of the University. Cardinal Walter Kasper gave the keynote address. In the meantime, Prof. Buckenmaier leads the institute, the future of which is not yet certain due to the small number and aging of the lecturers from KIG.


Statutory task and purpose

In Numbers 18/19 of the Decree Apostolicam actuositatem , the Second Vatican Council explicitly dealt with ecclesiastical associations that were established for the purpose of common apostolic activity, and emphasizes their importance as an organized form of lay apostolate in today's world.

In its statutes of 1978, the KIG describes its work as an attempt “in a world alienated from the Church to make the Gospel present in such a form that those who are far away can find access to the faith of the Catholic Church again . Its members link their lives in a variety of ways and take joint initiatives - independently and self-financed. "In 1985, the Catholic Integrated Congregation was established as a public association under Catholic church law . The group is in the list of papally recognized international lay associations of the Pontifical Council for the Laity . However, it is not subject to the supervision of the Vatican Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life , but as a lay movement and ecclesiastical association remains subordinate to the local bishop in whose diocese it is active.


The KIG finances its tasks independently and largely independently of official church channels on a private initiative. However, there are also pastors in German dioceses who belong to the KIG and who collect donations for their projects among the faithful. The economic situation of the communities and the whereabouts of income from company and real estate sales is unclear according to the report by the visitors of the Archdiocese of Munich.


The KIG includes families and unmarried people , lay people and priests who form table communities and also live in shared apartments (integration houses). According to their self-image and their practice, everyone remains "responsible for their livelihood, for their profession, their financial circumstances and their property as well as the provision for old age and illness." According to the statutes, the general meeting is the responsible body. This also elects the leadership team and the chairperson of the leadership team, who should normally be confirmed by the responsible bishop. Since 2010, however, no confirmation has been obtained from the archbishop for newly elected management leaders in the responsible Archdiocese of Munich. According to a canonical report from 2004, irregularities also occurred when members were excluded. Current membership numbers are not known, and there is no information on the number of table and flat-sharing communities in existence. In the identical entries in the list of papally recognized international lay associations (most recently in 2006) and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life (most recently in 2017), "around 1000 members in seven countries" are given based on their own information.

Relevant persons for the KIG

  • Achim Buckenmaier (* 1959), theologian and priest
  • Rudolf Kutschera (* 1960), theologian and priest
  • Norbert Lohfink (* 1928), theologian and priest
  • Gerhard Lohfink (* 1934), theologian and priest
  • Michael P. Maier (* 1961), theologian and priest
  • Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger / Pope em. Benedict XVI. (* 1927), friend and sponsor, not a member
  • Married couple Traudl (1923–2016) and Herbert Wallbrecher (1922–1997)
  • Ludwig Weimer (* 1940), theologian and priest
  • Peter Zitta , priest (ordained 1962) and psychologist, member of the supervisory board of the St. Anna School Association and member of the management team of the Catholic Integrated Congregations, (formerly) superior of the community of priests in the service of the KIG. From 1966 one of the three chaplains in the priest team of the “fraternal parish” in the Vienna parish Machstrasse , before he joined the KIG in Munich and was commissioned by Cardinal Ratzinger with the license to practice medicine as “Church Assistant of the Integrated Congregation in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising” in 1978 . From 2008 to 2015 Zitta was pastor of the Viennese parish Weinhaus , sent by the priestly community to the Archdiocese of Vienna .


The initiatives that are run by members of the KIG currently include (after a significant reduction):

  • PiD Priest in service to Catholic Integrated Congregations V.
  • since 1977: St. Anna School Association in Munich, which is operated by a non-profit GmbH .
  • since 2003: School project Herbert Wallbrecher Primary School in the Parish of St. Nicolaus for grades 1 to 7 in Mikese, Tanzania in Mikese in the diocese of Morogoro in Tanzania ; a girls' school attached since 2012
  • since 2009: Chair for theology of the People of God at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome , since 2016 with distance learning "Theology of the People of God" (recognition optional)
  • since 2010: Professor Ludwig Weimer Foundation in Munich, represented by the PiD - Priest in Service to Catholic Integrated Congregations

Canonical investigation of serious allegations against the KIG

Caused by serious allegations by former members, the Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx appointed canonical visitors on February 14, 2019 , who are supposed to examine the conditions within the spiritual community in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising , as reported in a report by the Catholic News Agency (KNA) has been. According to the interim report of the auditors, the way the community treats its members "largely has the character of spiritual abuse". There is a system of psychological and financial dependency in which contradiction is presented as a sin against the Holy Spirit . According to the report, the group has also been accused of psychological or disciplinary abuse of the sacrament of penance for many years. Relationships and marriages were established and separated, depending on whether this appeared to the community meeting to be conducive to community life. The community assembly decided whether and when a couple should or should have children. According to the Munich diocese spokesman, the KIG has so far refused any cooperation with the visitors. The latter is, however, contested by those responsible in the community by means of counter-statements to the published report by the KNA, on the contrary, they had "repeatedly communicated their willingness to cooperate to the visitors in writing". The final report of the visit is still pending. According to the spokesman, the steps taken by the archbishopric, which is responsible for the supervision of the spiritual communities it has approved, could extend to the dissolution of the KIG in Munich, depending on the result and the willingness of the group to cooperate. After the internal investigation became public in autumn 2019, representatives of the KIG such as Achim Buckenmaier spoke up in conservative church media such as Radio Horeb and tried to put the complaints into perspective. The allegations are old, blanket and unclear, they have been taken up again and again for years in order to discredit the community. Buckenmaier also criticized the archbishopric's procedure as being intransparent and complained that the interim report had become public and that Cardinal Marx did not publicly support the community after the allegations had become public, despite a request from the KIG management. The KIG also rejects the allegations in a statement on its website. Accordingly, these are "completely unfounded accusations, untrue statements and factual prejudices against the community". The allegations were concretized by the testimony of a victim on the online portal BR24 of Bayerischer Rundfunk . According to his own account, the former member grew u. a. in the so-called integration houses of the KIG often separated from their parents (at the time also community members) who had to divorce under psychological pressure from the community.

Publications from the KIG

  • Traudl Wallbrecher (Ed.) U. a .: The Integrated Church. Contributions to church reform. Institute for Theological Research and Education, 18 booklets, Urfeld, Munich 1969–1976.
  • Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer (ed.): Catholic integrated community. A brief description. (= Urfeld Texts, Volume 5.) Urfeld, Bad Tölz 2005, ISBN 978-3-932857-45-4 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer, Arnold Stötzel (eds.): 30 years of accompanying people. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI. and the Catholic Integrated Church. Urfeld, Bad Tölz 2006, ISBN 978-3-932857-40-9 .
  • Theologica. Monographic series, Catholic Integrated Congregation / Catholic Integrated Congregation and Society for Theological Education Baierbrunn e. V. (Ed.), Urfeld am Walchensee / Baierbrunn 2016–2019 (No. 1–7), ISSN  2512-0468 .


  • Mike Tyldesley: No Heavenly Delusion? A Comparative Study of Three Communal Movements. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool 2003, ISBN 0-85323-608-9 .
  • Andreas Martin (ed.): The spiritual communities of the Catholic Church. Compendium. St. Benno / Libr. Ed. Vaticana, Leipzig / Città del Vaticano 2006, ISBN 978-3-7462-1995-0 .
  • Michael Winter: In the middle of the church. Why the Integrated Congregation has come into focus. In: Herder correspondence . Monthly issues for society and religion, ISSN  0018-0645 , 62nd year, issue 1/2008, pp. 38–44 ( article online ).
  • Hanspeter Oschwald : In the name of the Holy Father. How fundamentalist powers control the Vatican. Heyne, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-45316724-7 , pp. 150-155.
  • “He is kept out of the way”. Author Oschwald on the Pope and wrong decisions by the Vatican. Hanspeter Oschwald in conversation with Katrin Heise. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur , contribution from May 4, 2010 ( article online ).
  • Elio Guerriero et al. a .: Benedict XVI. Servants of God and of men. The biography . Herder, Freiburg / Basel / Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-451-37832-4 , Jews and Christians: two religions, one federation, p. 199 ff . (with a foreword by Pope Francis and an interview with Pope Benedict XVI; translated from the Italian by Silvia Kritzenberger et al.).
  • The Catholic Integrated Congregation - Christianity as a way of life. Talk of the day with: Dr. Peter Zitta, cath. Priest and member of the Catholic Integrated Congregation. In: Radio Horeb . August 27, 2018, accessed on November 25, 2019 (length radio report: 12:26 min; 5.96 MB). In two excerptson the KIG website:Part I: “What is the Catholic IntegratedCongregation?”[03:17 min] andPart II: “Whatappealed toyou about the IntegratedCongregation?”[02:37 min].

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint. KIG website. Integrated Community eV, Register Court: Munich Local Court, Register Number: VR 4278; undated, accessed November 24, 2019.
  2. a b c d Walter Kasper (Ed.): Hermeneutics to Church Fellowship. (=  Lexicon for Theology and Church. Volume 5). Founded by Michael Buchberger. Herder, Breisgau u. a. 1996, ISBN 3-451-22005-9 , keyword: Integrated Community (IG.), P. 550 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. a b Bernhard Koch: God always creates something new . In: "Teologa" del popolo di Dio. Gertraud Wallbrecher * May 18th, 1923 † July 29th, 2016 . With contributions by Ludwig Weimer, Bernhard Koch, Gerhard Lohfink, Peter Zitta, Angelika Matzka, Birgit Jaklitsch, Bruno Alber and others. a. (= Catholic Integrated Congregation [Hrsg.]: Theologica . No. 3 ). Self-published by KIG, Baierbrunn 2006, ISBN 978-3-946577-03-4 , p. 8th ff .
  4. Today. Pro ecclesia viva. The magazine of the integrated community. Catholic Integrated Congregation (Ed.), No. 1/1994, Urfeld, Bad Tölz 1994, p. 63ff.
  5. Today. Pro ecclesia viva. The magazine of the integrated community. Catholic Integrated Congregation (Ed.), No. 1/1994, Urfeld, Bad Tölz 1994, p. 57.
  6. Today. Pro ecclesia viva. The magazine of the integrated community. Catholic Integrated Congregation (Ed.), No. 1/1994, Urfeld, Bad Tölz 1994, pp. 55f.
  7. Today. Pro ecclesia viva. The magazine of the integrated community. Catholic Integrated Congregation (ed.), No. 1/1994, Urfeld, Bad Tölz 1994, pp. 77-79.
  8. Today. Pro ecclesia viva. The magazine of the integrated community. Catholic Integrated Congregation (ed.), No. 1/1994, Urfeld, Bad Tölz 1994, pp. 82–83.
  9. a b Jews and Christians: Two Religions, One Covenant. In: Elio Guerriero: Benedict XVI. […] The biography. Herder, 2018, p. 199 ff. ( Limited preview in the Google book search).
  10. Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer and Arnold Stötzel (eds.): 30 years of companionship. Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Integrated Congregation . Urfeld, Bad Tölz 2006, ISBN 978-3-932857-40-9 , pp. 36 f .
  11. Today. Pro ecclesia viva. The magazine of the integrated community. Catholic Integrated Congregation (Ed.), No. 1/1994, Urfeld, Bad Tölz 1994, p. 127.
  12. a b c d e f KNA : “Character of spiritual abuse over long distances”. Serious allegations against the "Catholic Integrated Community". In: . October 18, 2019, accessed November 13, 2019 .
  13. ^ Heiner Boberski : Vatican networks. In: same with Josef Bruckmoser, Andreas Pfeifer: Secret Vatican. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-499-62314-1 , pp. 193-200 (here: pp. 198f.).
  14. a b The chair. Report of the solemn inauguration of the Chair in the Theology of the People of God. In: Website of the Professor Ludwig Weimer Foundation. Priest in the service of Catholic Integrated Congregations (Ed.), Undated, accessed on November 25, 2019.
  15. ^ A b Official Name: Catholic Integrated Community. Acronym: KIG - (Catholic Integrated Congregation). Entry in: International Associations of the Faithful - Directory (International Associations of the Faithful - directory) Pontifical Council for the Laity (ed.), November 14, 2005 (English). Vatican Publishing Library, 2006.
    Identical: Catholic Integrated Community. Entry on the website of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, undated (last 2017; English), accessed on November 25, 2019.
  16. a b For example: Pastor Clemens Lübbers: Thanks for a generous donation for the school project in Tanzania. In: Current information from the Catholic parish of St. Martinus and Ludgerus in Sendenhorst in the Diocese of Münster , December 2018. ( In the spotlight: Excited about the new task. Pastor Clemens Lübbers has been the new Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees since December. Portrait. In: Blickpunkt. 1.2019. Magazine of St. Josef-Stift Sendenhorst, edition 1/2019, p. 37, PDF on the website of the monastery.) Both: Retrieved on November 25, 2019.
  17. Peter Zitta: Find and rediscover . In: "Teologa" del popolo di Dio. Gertraud Wallbrecher * May 18th, 1923 † July 29th, 2016 . With contributions by Ludwig Weimer, Bernhard Koch, Gerhard Lohfink, Peter Zitta, Angelika Matzka, Birgit Jaklitsch, Bruno Alber and others. a. (= Catholic Integrated Congregation [Hrsg.]: Theologica . No. 3 ). Self-published by KIG, Baierbrunn 2006, ISBN 978-3-946577-03-4 , p. 19 .
  18. Rudolf Kutschera: Salvation comes from the Jews (Jn 4:22). Investigations into the salvation significance of Israel . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2003, ISBN 978-3-631-51585-3 (also: dissertation , University of Innsbruck 2003).
  19. Michael P. Maier: Jeremiah. The story of someone called (=  Urfeld series . Volume 6 ). Urfeld, Bad Tölz 2004, ISBN 978-3-932857-31-7 .
  20. Michael P. Maier: Pilgrimage of Nations in the Book of Isaiah (=  supplements to the journal for Old Testament science . Volume 474 ). de Gruyter, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-11-040645-0 , urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2016052514943 .
  21. Supervisory Board: Competent consultants accompany us. In: Website of the St. Anna School Association, undated, accessed on November 25, 2019.
  22. Virgin Birth and Empty Tomb. For the orientation of the "Academy for the Theology of the People of God" run by theologians of the Catholic Integrated Congregation. A clarification from Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. In: Die Tagespost , November 11, 2004. ( Article online. In: , November 18, 2004, accessed on November 25, 2019.)
  23. ^ Paul Weß : Sermon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the parish. Held in the Machstrasse parish on September 11, 2016 on the anniversary of the consecration ( full text online (PDF) on the Machstrasse parish website, accessed on November 25, 2019). Here: p. 1: “It was at the beginning of 1966 when three young priests, who were chaplains in various Viennese parishes, drove in a car through Engerthstrasse in search of Machstrasse. … ““ These three chaplains, Ben van Baaren, Peter Zitta and I, were ordained priests in 1962 and worked as pastors in various Viennese parishes. We met regularly towards the end of the Second Vatican Council and afterwards, […] to consider how the visions of the Council of the Church as a community and of the common priesthood of all believers could be realized at the parish level. ”As well as p. 3 : “... But we three chaplains had to recognize that a general conversion of an assembly of worship participants to a fraternal congregation was not possible. That prompted one of the three of us, Peter Zitta, to join the Integrated Congregation in Munich, which implements the concept of the congregation outside of a parish with which we had been in contact for a long time and with which I had previously spent time. "
  24. ^ Ludwig Mödl: parish pastoral . Categorical pastoral care and preaching in the context of current developments. (= Lectures summer semester 2015 at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München .) 9th lecture on July 2nd, 2015 ( full text online (PDF) in the personal profile of Prof. em. Dr. Ludwig Mödl on the faculty website, accessed on November 25, 2019): Section 4: Communio as a constitutive element of Christian life. Section III., Chapter 1. Parish concepts with a parish character, p. 28 ff. Here p. 29: “One of the best known is Machstrasse in Vienna, which Paul Weß took with his colleagues Bernhard von Baaren and Peter Zitta. They started in 1966. [...] As a team of priests, you wanted to be the core cell of communion. ... "p. 30, last paragraph:" The three priests considered their concept. That's when they got to know the Munich Integrated Community. They now tried to integrate what they saw there into their parish. "As well as p. 31:" ... The climax of the crisis was reached when one of the priests got out [Peter Zitta, note] and went to the Integrated Congregation in Munich. "
  25. Jews and Christians: Two Religions, One Covenant. In: Elio Guerriero: Benedict XVI. […] The biography. Herder, 2018, p. 199 ff., Here: “... and commissioned the clergyman Dr. Peter Zitta from the Archdiocese of Vienna ... “( limited preview in the Google book search).
  26. ^ Peter Pfister: Joseph Ratzinger and the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising: Documents and pictures from church archives, articles and memories. Schnell + Steiner, 2006 ( snippet in the Google book search).
  27. Pastor Dr. Peter Zitta. Seven years in service in the parish of St. Josef - Weinhaus. In: Church in Weinhaus. Pfarrblatt der Pfarre St. Josef Weinhaus, Fall 2015, No. 236, pp. 8–9 ( full text online (PDF), accessed on November 25, 2019.
  28. 57. Personal News: Parishes. In: Wiener Diözesanblatt - Official Part, Volume 146, No. 9/2008, p. 33, Weinhaus, Vienna 18: “Dr. Peter Zitta was appointed pastor on August 1st [...]. / The parish was […] returned to the ED Vienna and entrusted to the Catholic Community of Priests in the Service of Integrated Congregations. ”( Full text online (PDF; p. 4) on the website of the Archdiocese of Vienna, accessed on November 25, 2019. )
  29. 35. Personal News: Parishes. In: Wiener Diözesanblatt - Official Part, Volume 153, No. 4/2015, p. 29, Weinhaus, Vienna 18: “Dr. Peter Zitta, previously Rev., will leave the pastoral care of the ED Vienna on August 31st. "( Full text online (PDF; p. 3) on the website of the Archdiocese of Vienna, accessed on November 25th, 2019.)
  30. PiD Priest in the service of Catholic Integrated Congregations e. V .: "An initiative of members of the Catholic Integrated Congregations and of members of the Church Association: 'Community of Priests in Service to Integrated Congregations' (according to cc. 301 and 302 CIC)". Munich District Court, register entry VR 203574. In: Imprint. Both in the 2018 version, accessed on November 25, 2019.
  31. About the school association: Education is responsibility. In: Website of the St. Anna School Association, undated, accessed on November 25, 2019.
  32. Imprint: St. Anna School Association non-profit GmbH. In: Website of the St. Anna School Association, undated, accessed on November 25, 2019.
  33. ^ Reports from Tanzania: The Girls' Boarding School in Mikese. Sponsored Project for the School and the Parish. Annual report 2015 (English). Catholic Integrated Community in the Diocese of Morogoro (Ed.), P. 3 ( PDF; 3.1 MB on the KIG website, accessed on November 25, 2019).
  34. cz: New distance learning course in theology of God's people. In: Vatican Radio website . Transcript of the radio report (05:05 min) from August 27, 2016, accessed on November 23, 2019.
  35. The Foundation. In: Website of the Professor Ludwig Weimer Foundation. Priest in the service of Catholic Integrated Congregations (Ed.), Undated, accessed on November 25, 2019.
  36. ^ Reply of the "Catholic Integrated Community". Subject: Message from October 18, 2019. In: . October 23, 2019, accessed November 25, 2019 .
  37. ^ Reply of the "Catholic Integrated Community". Subject: Message from October 18, 2019 "Character of Spiritual Abuse". In: . October 24, 2019, accessed November 25, 2019 .
  38. In the criticism: A conversation with the Catholic Integrated Congregation. Discussion with: Prof. Dr. Achim Buckenmaier , priest and dogmatist. In: Radio Horeb . November 19, 2019, accessed on November 25, 2019 (length of radio report: 5:10 p.m.; 7.86 MB).
  39. dpa / lby: allegations against Catholic Integrated Community. In: . November 21, 2019, accessed November 24, 2019 .
  40. Serious allegations against the Catholic Integrated Community. In: BR24 . November 21, 2019, accessed July 14, 2020 .
  41. 1127172530 - Catalog entry of the German National Library , accessed on November 25, 2019.