Traudl Wallbrecher

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Gertraud "Traudl" Wallbrecher (born May 18, 1923 in Munich as Gertraud Weiß ; † July 29, 2016 there ), a representative of the Catholic avant-garde of the 20th century, was the initiator of the Catholic Integrated Congregation , which she and her husband Herbert Wallbrecher (1922–1997) built up after the Second World War .

Live and act

Gertraud Weiß grew up in Munich-Schwabing . From the age of 13 she belonged to the Catholic Heliand Association . After doing military service, she began to study psychology at the University of Munich and from 1943 attended the social women's school. As a nurse, she was conscripted for duty in 1945 and witnessed the dissolution of the Dachau concentration camp at close range .

From 1945 she was federal leader of the Heliand . At the Bundestag in Telgte near Munster in 1947, she worried the assembly with the question of what the disaster of the Shoah meant for the church and its mission. As a consequence, she left the Heliand in 1948 and started the “Junge Bund”. She encouraged u. a. the theologian Professor Michael Schmaus . The priest Dr. Aloys Goergen accompanied the group until 1968.

In 1949, Traudl Weiß married the lawyer Herbert Wallbrecher, who came from Hagen in Westphalia and was a member of the Catholic Association of New Germany . The marriage had four children. She found allies in him and his friend Johannes Joachim Degenhardt , who later became cardinal and archbishop of Paderborn. The Integrated Community emerged from the people who gathered around Traudl Wallbrecher, her husband and Aloys Goergen.

Wallbrecher aroused the interest of agnostics like Gerhard Szczesny as the editor of the magazine “ Die Integrierte Gemeinde ” . and theologians like Joseph Ratzinger , who has accompanied the KIG in the church ever since. She gained inspiration for the “Church” experiment in 1965 on a trip to kibbutzim in Israel. From this later an intensive exchange grew through the friendship with Chaim Seeligmann , which in 1995 led to the establishment of the “Urfelder Kreis”. American Hutterites and German Bruderhöfer also took notice. In the United States, Wallbrecher won religious Jews such as the writer Zvi Kolitz and the director of the Jeshiva University, Norman Lamm , as friends.

Together with her husband, she initiated the private Günter-Stöhr-Gymnasium in 1977, today one of the schools of the St. Anna School Association. Since 1978, her meeting with Bishop Christopher Mwoleka, Tanzania , has developed into an Integrated Church in Africa.

One of their greatest concerns was the theology that had grown out of the new church experience. In order to work on it, the New Testament scholars Rudolf Pesch and Gerhard Lohfink gave up their chairs in the 1980s and joined the Integrated Congregation. Through Wallbrecher's initiative for the “Academy for the Theology of the People of God” in Villa Cavalletti near Frascati, a chair was established at the Lateran University in Rome in 2008, the “Cattedra per la Teologia del Popolo di Dio”, which has been a postgraduate since autumn 2016 Distance learning "The Profile of the Jewish-Christian" offers.

On July 29, 2016 Gertraud Wallbrecher died at the age of 93 after a long illness in Munich. The Italian newspaper Avvenire headlined its obituary of August 9, 2016, “Addio a Gertraud Wallbrecher, 'teologa' del popolo di Dio”.


  • Traudl Wallbrecher (Ed.): Monthly magazine HEUTE in Kirche und Welt. (2000-2008) ISSN  1616-2293 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer , Arnold Stötzel (eds.): 30 years of accompanying - Joseph Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI. and the Catholic Integrated Church. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz 2006, ISBN 978-3-932857-40-9 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer (ed.): Catholic integrated community. A brief description. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz 2005, ISBN 978-3-932857-45-4 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher u. a. (Ed.): TODAY - pro ecclesia viva. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz 1994, ISSN  0946-6401 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher: On re-rooting in the Jewish as a condition for catching up with the Catholic. In: TODAY - pro ecclesia viva. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz 1994, ISSN  0946-6401 , p. 54 ff.
  • Traudl Wallbrecher (Ed.): The integrated community. Contributions to church reform. 18 volumes, Urfeld Verlag, Munich (1969–1976).
  • Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger: Scandalous realism - God acts in history. Verlag Urfeld 2005, foreword by Traudl Wallbrecher, ISBN 3-932857-44-5 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher (Ed.): Ecclesiae Solamen - Thoughts on the theology of Johann Adam Möhlers. Urfeld publishing house 1982.
  • Today in Church and World - Leaves for Differentiating the Christian. Special issue May 18, 2003: On the occasion of Traudl Wallbrecher's 80th birthday. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz, ISSN  1616-2293 .
  • Traudl Wallbrecher: The Lord's Prayer and the transmission of faith. In: Today in Church and the World, issue 5/2008, ISSN  1616-2293 , p. 13.
  • Theologica. No. 3: 'Teologa' del popolo di Dio. Gertraud Wallbrecher (1923-2016). ISBN 978-3-946577-03-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chair of the Theology of God's People. (PDF) In: Obituaries. Catholic Integrated Congregation, August 1, 2016, accessed February 11, 2017 .
  2. a b Catholic Integrated Congregation. A brief description. Bad Tölz 2005, p. 8.
  3. ^ Catholic Integrated Congregation. A brief description. Bad Tölz 2005, p. 9.
  4. Today in church and world. Special edition May 18, 2003, p. 2.
  5. TODAY - pro ecclesia viva. Bad Tölz 1994, p. 65.
  6. TODAY - pro ecclesia viva. Bad Tölz 1994, p. 67.
  7. Peter M. Bode: Life in this city. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. May 9, 1974, features section.
  8. Alexander Kissler: The German Pope . Herder, Freiburg 2005, ISBN 3-451-28867-2 , p. 83 ff .
  9. Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer, Arnold Stötzel (ed.): 30 years accompanying Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI. - and the Catholic Integrated Congregation , Urfeld Verlag, Bad Tölz 2006, ISBN 978-3-932857-40-9 , pp. 20 ff.
  10. Chaim Seeligmann: Traces of a silent revolution. Verlag Urfeld 1998, ISBN 3-932857-21-6 , p. 82/83, ders .: It wasn't just a dream. Verlag Urfeld 2002, ISBN 3-932857-29-1 , p. 98/99 and p. 142 ff.
  11. Traudl Wallbrecher, Ludwig Weimer, Arnold Stötzel (ed.): 30 years of companionship - Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI - and the Catholic Integrated Congregation . Urfeld, Bad Tölz 2006, ISBN 978-3-932857-40-9 , pp. 94 ff .
  12. 30 years of accompanying. Bad Tölz 2006, p. 96 in connection with Stan Ehrlich: Sent back to faith. , and Yaacov Oved: The Witness of the Brothers - A History of the Bruderhof. Transaction Publishers 2012, p. 320.
  13. TODAY - pro ecclesia viva. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz 1994, p. 188.
  14. TODAY - pro ecclesia viva. Urfeld publishing house, Bad Tölz 1994, p. 105 f.
  15. Bishop Christopher Mwoleka on Retrieved May 7, 2016.
  16. Guido Horst: A place created by God, an incomprehensible secret. In: The daily mail. No. 126, 1999, p. 5,
  17. Prof. Norbert Lohfink: • On the opening of the Academy for the Theology of God's People in the Villa Cavalletti near Rome on October 25, 2003. In: Greetings, printed in the daily program. Philosophical-Theological University of Sankt Georgen, October 25, 2003, accessed on February 11, 2017 .
  18. ^ Cattedra per la Teologia del Popolo di Dio. ( Memento of April 30, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Website of the Pontifical Lateran University . Retrieved May 7, 2016.
  19. Achim Buckenmaier , Ludwig Weimer (Ed.): A Poor People of God for the Poor in the World? - The Challenge of Pope Francis. Pontificia Università Lateranense 2014, ISBN 978-88-465-0965-9 .
  20. Chair of the Theology of God's People. Pontifical Lateran University, Rome, accessed March 18, 2017 .
  21. Setting the course: Collect, not disperse - An obituary (PDF) Ludwig Weimer, accessed on July 30, 2016.
  22. ^ Munich: founder of the integrated community died., accessed on July 29, 2016.
  23. ^ Arnold Stötzel, Ludwig Weimer, Gerhard Lohfink a. a .: 'Teologa' del popolo di Dio. Gertraud Wallbrecher (1923-2016) . In: Catholic Integrated Congregation (ed.): Theologica . No. 3 . Baierbrunn 2016, ISBN 978-3-946577-03-4 , pp. 44 ff .