Hermann Brandenburg

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Hermann Brandenburg (* 1959 ) is a German gerontologist .


He studied social sciences at the University of Bochum , degree: graduate social scientist (focus on sociology, social policy), gerontology at the University of Heidelberg , degree: graduate gerontologist and philosophy and modern German literature at the Fern-Universität Hagen , degree: MA. He worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Gerontology, after which he did his doctorate with the topic: Forms of everyday life in elderly people in need of help and care - connections to health and the socio-spatial context at Ursula Lehr . He is a state-approved geriatric nurse and has worked for several years in various nursing homes (focus on geriatric psychiatry).

In July 1996 he was appointed professor for the fundamentals of nursing / nursing science at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (from 1999 professor for gerontology and nursing science; work focus: gerontological nursing, health services research, epistemology and scientific theory (nursing science / gerontology)). In March 2007 he was appointed to the professorship for "Gerontological Nursing" (50%) at the PTH Vallendar and professorship for "Gerontology and Nursing Science" (50%) at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg. In October 2010 he moved completely to Vallendar .

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