Hermann Rademann

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Hermann Rademann (born July 2, 1947 , † September 28, 1988 in Bremen ) was an activist and co-founder of the Independent Students' Union (USB) in Bremen-Nord .


He became known as a spokesman for the Bremen tram riot . There he presented the then mayor, Hans Koschnick , with an ultimatum to withdraw the tariff increases. Some of these were then withdrawn. The dismissal of police chief von Bock and Polach , which was demanded at the same time , was not taken into account. Von Bock and Polach had escalated the violence in the demonstrations with his slogan "Slap it, slap it, pursue it".

Some student representatives criticized Rademann for having given the mayor as a representative of the executive branch an ultimatum.


Individual evidence

  1. Der Spiegel No. 5, 1968, p. 34: How to master
  2. Jörg Streese: Silence - The Language - The Awakening , 1992, Bremen
  3. Mevissen 1984, p. 63