Hermann Strauss-Olsen

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Hermann Strauss-Olsen (actually Hermann Ferdinand Julius Carl Strauss , pseudonyms Hans Hermann , Hans von Werder and Ole Olsen ; born February 18, 1880 in Schwerin , † December 29, 1914 ) was a German businessman and writer.

Strauss-Olsen was the son of a brewery owner and is said to have pursued a humanistic education in order to then work as an editor. From 1905 he was married to Elsa Hedler. He lived in Halberstadt .


  • Dreams and Foams (Poems, 1904)
  • The Forum (Essays, 1905)
  • Human rights (play, 1908)
  • The Frank one (essays, 1909)
  • Extensive Relatives (Poems, 1910)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Church book duplicate Schwerin Castle Church, baptized 1879/1880, No. 80.
  2. a b Church book duplicate Schwerin Cathedral, Getraute 1904/05, No. 84.
  3. Kürschner's German Literature Calendar. Nekrolog 1901-1935, p. 496.
  4. ^ Literary silhouettes. Edited by Heinz Voss and Bruno Volger. Edition 1907, No. 581.