Hermann Thorade

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Hermann Thorade (born April 13, 1881 in Lintel , Duchy of Oldenburg , † May 15, 1945 in Hamburg ) was a German oceanographer .


He first studied mathematics , physics and geography . After completing his studies, he took up teaching in higher education. In 1907 and 1908 he wrote his dissertation at the Deutsche Seewarte on the Californian ocean currents . After defending his dissertation in 1909, in addition to his teaching activities, he increasingly focused on research on ocean circulation , tidal theory , and ocean waves. Thorade also took part in some research trips. In 1939 he was appointed head of the oceanography group at the Deutsche Seewarte. In 1942 Thorade received the professorship for oceanography at the University of Hamburg. Until his death he published numerous popular scientific works on oceanography, which made him highly regarded.

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