Hermann Ubell

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Hermann Eugen Ubell (born March 3, 1876 in Graz , † August 13, 1947 in Linz ) was an Austrian art historian , writer , archaeologist and museum director.


Hermann Ubell studied classical antiquity with Wilhelm Gurlitt at the University of Graz and received his doctorate in 1900. He received a Rome scholarship and went on study trips to Italy and Greece. In 1903 he succeeded Andreas Reischek as a research assistant and curator at Upper Austria. State Museum.

From 1908 to 1937 he was director of the Upper Austrian State Museum until his retirement .

Among other things, he wrote monographs on Greek cultural history and was also active as a poet himself. He also wrote several academic articles on art history in Upper Austria.

He spent the last years of his life withdrawn in Linz, where he also died. The Stifterhaus in Linz houses his estate .

Publications (selection)

  • Hermann Ubell: History of the art and cultural history collections of the Upper Austrian State Museum. Linz 1933


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. obituary Hermann Ubell
  2. Ubell, Austrian Biographical Encyclopaedia