Herophon (sculptor)

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Herophon ( ancient Greek Ἡροφῶν ), son of Anaxagoras, was a Greek sculptor from Macedonia who, according to the written form of his signature, was in the 2nd or 1st century BC. Was active.

He is only known from an inscription on a statue base made of white limestone, which was found in March 1879 during excavations under the direction of Ernst Curtius in a tower of the "Byzantine Western Wall" in Olympia . The upper part of the inscription was found in a badly weathered condition, the artist's signature is on a separate kymation and was better preserved. The inscription shows that Herophon had created a statue of the Roma on behalf of the Eleans as a dedication to Zeus of Olympia. Due to the dimensions of the preserved part of the statue base, it is assumed that this was a large monumental statue.



  1. ^ Emanuel Loewy : Inscriptions by Greek sculptors . Teubner, Leipzig 1885. p. 169.
  2. ^ Wilhelm Dittenberger , Karl Purgold : Olympia: the results of the excavation organized by the German Empire. Volume 5: The inscriptions from Olympia . Berlin 1896. Inscription 317.