Hersz Berliński

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Hersz Berliński (also Hirsz or Hirsch Berliński ; pseudonyms Herszek or Jeleń ; * 1908 in Łódź ; † September 27, 1944 in Warsaw ) was an activist of the Jewish resistance movement in Poland during World War II . He was a member of the Poalej Syjon - Lewica , survived the ghetto uprising in 1943 and fell during the Warsaw uprising the following year.


Berliński came from a Jewish working class family in Łódź. He attended the cheder and an elementary school. In 1923 he became a member of the Jewish youth organization Cukunft , which was linked to the General Jewish Workers' Union. In the following year he moved to Poalej Syjon-Lewica , whose militia commander he was in Łódź.

When the Second World War broke out, he was arrested on the way to Warsaw and held in camps in Rawa Mazowiecka and Częstochowa . After he was able to escape from there, he lived in the Warsaw ghetto from 1940 . He worked in the Landau factory. In Poalej Syjon-Lewica in Warsaw , he became one of the most important functionaries: party secretary and head of the underground press . He founded the conspiratorial youth organization Młodzież Borochowa ( Yiddish : Borochow Jugent ). After the first major deportation campaign, he became one of the most active members of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ŻOB); he represented his party in the staff of the OOB and took over the management of the planning department. During the ghetto uprising, he led a unit of Poalej Syjon-Lewica and was initially deployed - together with Marek Edelman - in the combat area of ​​the brush factory on Ulica Świętojerska . He later fought in the ghetto center. On May 10, 1943 - a few days before the final suppression of the Jewish uprising - he and several other fighters were able to escape from the ghetto through the sewer system. He joined the partisans living in the woods around Warsaw.

In the fighting of the Warsaw Uprising he fell on September 27, 1944 as a member of the ŻOB, which was used in the Żoliborz district . On April 19, 1945, he was posthumously awarded the Virtuti Militari Military Merit Order, and on April 29, his remains were buried in the Jewish Cemetery on Okopowa Street (Sector 39) in Warsaw. In the old town of Łódź there is the Ulica Hersza Berlińskiego named after him .


  • Israel Gutman : The Jews of Warsaw, 1939–1943: ghetto, underground, revolt . Translation from Hebrew by Ina Friedman. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press 1982 ISBN 0-7108-0411-3

References and comments

  1. ^ Simha Rotem (Kazik): Memoirs of a Warsaw Ghetto Fighter . Yale University Press, New Haven and London 1994, ISBN 0-300-05797-0 , p. 41.
  2. Poalej Syjon-Lewica was the Polish organization of the Left Poale Tzion - the Marxist-oriented wing that had separated from the Poale Tzion in 1919
  3. ^ Database of the Foundation for Documentation of Jewish Cemeteries (accessed April 30, 2013)
  4. Photo of the street sign at Baedekerlodz.blogspot.com (accessed April 30, 2013)