Hildegard Zimmermann

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Hildegard Zimmermann (born November 15, 1890 - † November 15, 1932 in Berlin ) was a German art historian .

life and work

Hildegard Zimmermann was the niece of the archivist Paul Zimmermann . From 1911 to 1914 she worked privately on various collections, from 1918 to 1920 as a research assistant at the Westphalian State Museum in Münster with Max Geisberg . She lived in Braunschweig .

She published numerous articles on her specialty, German book illustration of the 16th century.

Publications (selection)

  • Hans Burgkmair the Elder Woodcut series on the genealogy of Emperor Maximilian I. In: Yearbook of the Royal Prussian Art Collections 36, 1915, pp. 39–64.
  • Catalog of the preserved proofs for Hans Burgmair the Elder's woodcut sequence for the genealogy of Emperor Maximilian I. In: Yearbook of the Prussian Art Collections. 36, 1915, booklet pp. 1-20.
  • Contributions to Bible illustration of the 16th century (illustrations and illustrators of the first Luther Testament and the octave editions of the New Testament in Central, North and West Germany) (= studies on German art history. 226). Heitz, Strasbourg 1924 (reprint Koerner, Baden-Baden 1973, ISBN 3-87320-226-3 ).
  • with Heinrich Mack and Karl Steinacker : The view of the city of Braunschweig from 1547. Based on the woodcuts by PS Schmidt, Munich 1927. ( digitized version )
  • Lukas Cranach the Elder Ä. Follows of the Wittenberg sanctuaries and the illustrations of the Rhau'schen Hortulus animae (= writings of the Society of Friends of the University of Halle-Wittenberg. 1). Gebauer-Schwetschke, Halle 1929.
  • The picture equipment of the so-called Reformers' Bible in the Dresden State Library. In: Luther yearbook. 11, 1929, pp. 134-148.
  • An anthology with prints by Valentin Bapst from Leipzig and the woodcut series by the monogrammist H in A. In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen , Jg. 48, 1931, pp. 217–220.
  • Bastian Palm, the master of the Wittenberg camp of 1547. In: Nordisk tidskrift för bok- och biblioteksväsen. 19, 1932, pp. 107-110 ( digitized version ).
  • Poor's Bible (Biblia pauperum, Biblia picta). In: Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte Volume 1, 1937, Sp. 1072-1084 ( digitized version ).


Web links


  1. So death table . In: Gerhard Lüdtke (Hrsg.): Kürschner's German learned calendar . Founded by Joseph Kürschner . 5th edition. De Gruyter, Berlin 1935, OCLC 257208931 , p. 1716 . Real dictionary on German art history. Volume 1, 1937, Col. 1084; Central Journal for Libraries. 49, 1932, p. 621. The only yearbook of the Braunschweigischen Geschichtsverein. 2. Episode 4, 1931 [1932], p. 159 mentions October 15.
  2. Baltic Studies NF 39, 1937, p. 237 note 2 ( digitized version ).