Hilko Schomerus

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Hilko Schomerus

Hilko Schomerus (born April 24, 1939 in Walsrode ; † July 10, 2020 ) was a German blacksmith with a master's degree .


After graduating from school, Schomerus completed an apprenticeship as a machine fitter as well as an art and building fitter and made the master's degree as a blacksmith. This was followed by training as a home educator.

From 1968 to 1986 he headed the metal workshop for young people with behavioral problems in the Backhausenhof Burgdorf, an outlying home of the Stephansstift Hannover. During this time, he created works based on his own designs, mainly in the sacred area and metalwork for artists. He took part in group exhibitions as well as solo exhibitions.

From 1987 to 2000 he headed the metal workshop in the Burgdorf correctional facility.

From 1990 he had his own workshop in Burgdorf - Hülptingsen near Hanover .


Artwork in front of the Nikodemuskirche, Hanover
  • "Adam, where are you?", Burgdorf
  • Fountain sculpture
  • Christ, St. Paulus Church, Burgdorf
  • drag & drop
  • Earth-Water-Air, Nicodemus Church , Hanover
  • flame
  • Intercession chandelier "Burning Dornbusch", Fischbeck Abbey
  • Intercession chandelier "Burning Bush", St. Mark's Church, Lehrte
  • Intercession chandelier, Bad Nenndorf
  • Intercession candlesticks, Loccum
  • Intercession chandelier, Nicodemus Church, Hanover
  • Intercession candlesticks, St. Pankratius , Burgdorf
  • Bell ornament, St. Pankratius, Burgdorf
  • Golgotha
  • Icarus
  • Church sconce, Iserlersheim
  • Martin Luther Memorial, Borna
  • Revelating of the Johannes
  • Easter and christening candles, Fischbeck Abbey
  • Stoning of Stephanus, Stephanuskirche, Lathen
  • Christening candlesticks, Lukaskirche, Hanover
  • Globe chandelier, Lukaskirche, Hanover
  • Globe chandelier, Wunstorf

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Pause, watch, think further": On the death of Hilko Schomerus. In: AltkreisBlitz, August 4, 2020. Accessed August 5, 2020.