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Hludana (inscribed Dea Hludana ) is the name of a Germanic goddess who is evidenced by five dedicatory inscriptions from the 2nd and 3rd centuries.

Reinhard Wenskus and Maurits Gysseling connect the Belgian Lanaken , where one of the oldest Merovingian row grave cultures is located, both ethnographically and etymologically with Hludana's sphere of activity or cult site. Gysseling recognizes the original form of tradition * Hludiniacas in the place north-west of Maastricht, which was notarized as Lodenaken in 1106 . Wenskus sees the Old Norse name Hlǫðyn for this deity as a transfer option to the name and sphere of activity of the Frankish king Chlodio , in Old Norse Hlǫðr . For the Dispargum castrum handed down by the Franconian historian Gregor von Tours as the seat of Chlodio , Wenskus also makes the Doesberg in the Lanakens district interpretable, which was recorded in 1145 in monte Dusenberg .


The majority of the inscriptions come from the Lower Rhine area of ​​the Roman province of Germania inferior .


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  1. Maurits Gysseling: Toponymisch Woordenboek van België, Nederland, Luxemburg, Noord-Frankrijk en West-Duitsland (vóór 1226) , Brussels 1960, p. 590.
  2. Reinhard Wenskus: Religion arbâtardi. Materials on syncretism in the pre-Christian political theology of the Franks . In: Iconologia Sacra (ed. Hagen Keller, Nikolaus Staubach), Vol. 23, Walter de Gruyter 1994, pp. 182f.
  3. CIL 13, 8611
  4. CIL 13, 8723
  5. CIL 13, 8661
  6. CIL 13, 7944
  7. CIL 13, 8830