Ho Chi Minh Philosophy

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Textbook Ho Chi Minh Philosophy

The Ho Chi Minh philosophy ( Vietnamese : Tư tưng Hồ Chí Minh) , also known as the Ho Chi Minh ideology, is a political philosophy based on Marxism-Leninism and the ideology of Ho Chi Minh . It was formalized and established for the first time by the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1991. A broad spectrum of policies and theories in the context of Marxism-Leninism is summarized and adapted to Vietnamese conditions. The conditions of the Vietnamese struggle for freedom ( Indochina War and Vietnam War ) and related social events and changes are incorporated. The Communist Party of Vietnam attributes all victories in the struggle for independence to these ideas, understands it as a guide and uses it as a party line. Despite the name, this ideology does not originate purely from Ho Chi Minh, but has been expanded over time by the Communist Party of Vietnam.


Basically, the ideology of Ho Chi Minh is influenced by the ideas of the French Revolution and Marxism-Leninism due to its origins, by Vietnamese culture and due to its years in exile . Due to the high proportion of rural population and the low level of industrialization, Ho Chi Minh did not see the working class as the main bearer of the revolution , but the peasant class (comparable to Maoism in China ).

The ideology is based on:

  • Marxism-Leninism
  • Ho Chi Minh's personal morality
  • traditional Vietnamese values, Confucianism and Buddhism
  • western political philosophy, especially the French and American ideas

Ho Chi Minh and Confucianism

As the son of a Confucian scholar, he studied Confucianism all his life. Although he openly spoke out against the ethics of Confucianism, some historians argue that those Confucian values ​​were an element in Ho Chi Minh's morality and are still in the line of the party. However, this contradicts the official records of the Vietnamese Communist Party and Ho Chi Minhs.

Ho Chi Minh's records after 30 years of Confucian teachings finally conclude:

“Học thuyết của Khổng Tử có ưu điểm của nó là sự tu dưỡng đạo đức cá nhân. Tôn giáo Giêsu có ưu điểm của nó là lòng nhân ái cao cả. Chủ nghĩa Mác có ưu điểm của nó là phương pháp làm việc biện chứng. Chủ nghĩa Tôn Dật Tiên có ưu điểm của nó, chính sách của nó phù hợp với điều kiện nước ta. Khổng Tử, Giêsu, Mác, Tôn Dật Tiên chẳng có những ưu điểm chung đó sao? Họ đều muốn mưu hạnh phúc cho mọi người, mưu phúc lợi cho xã hội. Nếu hôm nay họ còn sống trên cõi đời này, nếu họ hợp lại một chỗ, tôi tin rằng họ nhất định chung sống với nhau rất hoàn mỹ như những người thiến thiến thiến. Tôi cố gắng làm người học trò nhỏ của các vị ấy. ”

“Confucius' doctrine has its advantage in individual moral cultivation. The religion of Jesus has its advantage in great charity. Marxism has its advantage in dialectical methodology. The advantages of Sun Yat Sen's principles are that they can be applied to the situation in our country. Confucius, Jesus, Marx, Sun Yat Sen, what advantages do they share? They wanted happiness for everyone and prosperity for society. If they were alive in this world, if they met, then I'm sure they would have become close friends. I will try to be your little student. "


The Ho Chi Minh philosophy as defined by the Vietnamese Communist Party sees as key points:

  • National independence
  • National unity
  • Liberation of the nation, class and people
  • Public property - creation of the true people's state; by the people, for the people
  • National Defense of All People - Building the People's Army
  • Economic and cultural growth - material and spiritual prosperity
  • Revolutionary Ethics - Thrift, Integrity, Justice, Impartiality
  • To care for the new generation of the revolution
  • Build a strong and pure party - cadres who are both strong leaders and devoted servants of the people

Closely linked to the Ho Chi Minh philosophy, the communist party is the center of the national liberation struggle. Philosophy argues that while revolutionary violence and humanitarian peace contradict each other, the outcome of their struggle would bring peace, freedom and national self-determination.

With regard to socialism and the economy , the ideology provides the following for the structure and characteristics of socialist society:

  1. Socialism is a society with a highly developed workforce - it sustains science, technology and culture as well as the rich and strong nation
  2. Means of production owned by the masses, distribution of labor
  3. Dictatorship of the proletariat - based on the cooperation of peasants, workers and intellectuals united in the communist party
  4. A society with healthy, fair and equal social relationships; without rivalry between town and country, between artisanal and intellectual workers

It is emphasized that the transition to socialism must be gradual. Similar to socialism with Chinese characteristics, the development of productivity is associated with the development of socialism.

According to Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese economy was in poor shape when the transition to socialism began; an outdated, heavily agrarian economy that had not yet been subjected to capitalist development. Ho Chi Minh himself paid particular attention to the fundamental contradictions of the transition period, between necessary modernization and development, and the socio-economic needs of workers and peasants. The ideology also emphasizes that one should learn from the experiences of other countries and accept outside help.

Ho Chi Minh itself held that the transition began in 1954. He was convinced that a “democratic regime under the power of the people” and not socialism still prevailed. The most important point in building socialism is the expansion of state industry, as this is the only way to strengthen socialism. If this does not succeed, the transition will fail.


A special feature of the Ho Chi Minh philosophy is the high position of personal morals and ethics. The personal values ​​of Ho Chi Minh are spread through the party and party members should follow this example to represent the following values:

  1. Diligence
  2. integrity
  3. sincerity
  4. thrift
  5. Promotion of the common good
  6. Selflessness in service to the people and to the nation
Propaganda poster with inscription: Life, Struggle, Study; And follow Ho Chi Minh's moral example

Central to these values ​​is to live a life that is modest and immaterial as well as dedicated to socialism and the common good - Ho Chi Minh criticized individualism in his life. The personal morality of Ho Chi Minh is dealt with and taught in compulsory subjects in Vietnamese schools.


At the seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Marxism-Leninism and the Ho Chi Minh philosophy were established as the basis of the party line. Since the congress, the Ho Chi Minh ideology has been taught in every faculty at all universities. The formal training for this took place from 1997 at the University of Hanoi. There are some treatises on this subject by fellow Ho Chi Minh's, including: B. Vo Nguyen Giap .

Individual evidence

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