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A Hofreite , Hofraite or Hofstatt ( lat. Area , in Bündner documents lat. Solamen ) is depending on the local form of settlement

  • the courtyard enclosed by the buildings of a homestead ,
  • the room around the courtyard,
  • the yard with the farmhouse , outbuildings, enclosed garden and dung heap.

The word comes from Middle High German reide for area. It stands for courtyard , property, house, home 'and probably to -reit / reut ' clearing ', thus designating the more immediate building and economic space created for the courtyard by clearing as the name of reclamation .

In Hesse, the colloquial term `` Hofreite '' is specifically understood to mean an agricultural property within a location in a closed construction ( three-sided courtyard ).

The word is common in settlement names in all variants that form -reit / reut , such as Hofreith , Hofreuth . Accordingly, there are also more frequent names of origin such as Hofreiter or Hofstätter .

See also

  • As Hofstattrechte were rights that were connected to the Hofstatt instead of the house.
  • A farmyard is a farm in the legal sense.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Karl Heinz Burmeister : Hofstatt (Hofstattrecht). In: Historical Lexicon of the Principality of Liechtenstein . December 31, 2011 .
  2. ^ German legal dictionary: Explanation with numerous historical sources