Holger Willi Monday

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Holger Willi Montag (born April 7, 1970 in Saarbrücken ) is a German writer and painter.

In 2003 his first novel "Reisen mit Pippo" was published, which, due to its humorous juxtaposition of German and Italian mentality, is often compared to Jan Weiler's bestseller "Maria, he tastes not". In 2007 the second novel "Liebe oder so" follows, in which everything revolves around the attitude towards life of the generation "over 30" and the search for great love. Critics have already compared this book with similar novels, in this case with Philippe Djian's classic "Betty Blue". In January 2011, Holger Monday's new novel "Black Forest" was published. In this mysterious thriller, five young winter vacationers have an accident on their journey home from the Black Forest. One of them disappears without a trace, two others are confronted with ever more puzzling events that drive them to the edge of madness.


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