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A homograph ( homograph ) or homogram (both from ancient Greek ὁμός homos "equal" and γράφειν graphein "write") is a word from a group of words, which all have the same spelling but different meanings. If the pronunciation is the same, it is also a homophone .

Homonymy has
different meanings,
often different origins
common root
and / or derived meaning,
e.g. B. Runner (athlete / chess piece)
same spelling,
different meaning,
often different pronunciation,
e.g. B. mōdern (rotten) and
modérn (progressive)
same pronunciation,
different meanings,
often different spelling,
e.g. B. paint and grind
Equivocation , homonymy and polysemy in relation

Words with different meanings of the same linguistic expression in spelling ( homography , homography ) or sound (homophony) are homonyms (see graphic).

Differentiation from homographs

Pronunciation information is in the phonetic transcription of the International Phonetic Alphabet .

Different pronunciation

  • Essener, who: [ ˈɛsənɐ ] - inhabitant of Essen ./. [ ɛˈseːnɐ ] - member of the Jewish sect of the Essenes
  • Heroin: [ heroˈiːn ] (the) - drug ./. [ heˈroːɪn ] (the) - heroine
  • Constance: [ ˈkɔnʃtants ] - City on Lake Constance ./. [ kɔnˈstants ] (the) - constancy
  • modern: [ moˈdɛrn ] - today, contemporary ( adj. ) ./. [ ˈMoːdɐn ] - lazy ( verb )
  • translate: [ ˈyːbɐzɛtsən ] - drive to the other bank ./. [ yːbɐˈzɛtsən ] - translated into another language
  • drive around: [ ˈʊmfaːrən ] - knock over while driving ./. [ ʊmˈfaːrən ] - evade while driving
  • Marriage: [ ˈhɔxʦaɪ̯t ] - marriage ./. [ ˈHoːxʦaɪ̯t ] - climax, bloom within a period of time
  • wachst: [ 'vaxst' ] - wachen (2nd P. Singular) ./. [ 'vakst' ] - wax (2nd and 3rd P. singular), treat with wax

Homographs as a result of compositions and word formation

  • End of the game : [ ˈʃpiːlˌˀɛndə ] End of the game ./. [ ˈƩpiːləndə ] noun zu spielend
  • Reservoir : [ ˈʃtaʊˌbɛkən ] Reservoir ./. [ ˈƩtaʊpˌˀɛkən ] Corners full of dust
  • Dispatch: [ fɛrsˌˀɛndʊŋ ] verse -endung ./. [ fɛɐ̯ˈzɛndʊŋ ] Dispatch

Homographs in foreign words

Same pronunciation

  • die flies (plural of flies ) ./. the fly (substantiation of flying )
  • the spiders (plural of spider ) ./. the spinning (noun of spinnen )
  • the numbers (plural of number) ./. the numbers (substantiation of pay )
  • seven (numeral) ./. seven (verb)

Various language development

  • Polyseme homographs, for example by changing the meaning
  • Homophonic homographs, for example through phonetic coincidence of originally unrelated words

Change of homographs through the spelling reform

The German spelling reform eliminated some homographs. On the other hand, new ones were also created.

Bed sheetsheet (sheet that is reserved for prayer) and sheet or sheet
blue (color blue), bleuen (beat) → blue (folk etymologically, beat someone green and blue )

See also


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