Demonstrative pronouns
The demonstrative or short demonstrative [to] (lat. Pronoun demonstrative ) or ostensive pronoun is a part of speech , with which the speaker refers to a topic of conversation. In many languages demonstrative pronouns can be used deictically as well as anaphorically .
The demonstrative pronoun can be used both adjectivally and substantively. Adjectival it stands before the noun to which it discloses the removal, substantively it is instead of the noun.
- Example of the demonstrative pronoun used as an adjective in German: This meat tastes good.
- Example of the demonstrative pronoun used as a noun in German: He is to blame.
The number of degrees of distance of the demonstrative pronoun differs depending on the language:
- Languages with two degrees of distance ( this vs. that ): German , French , English , Dutch
- Languages with three degrees of distance (“with me” vs. “with you” vs. “neither with me nor with you”): Spanish , Portuguese , Italian ( codesto obsolete), Japanese , Basque , Finnish , Georgian ; see. also in German with the adverbs here , there , there .
German language
Demonstrative pronouns
In German there are three paradigms of demonstrative pronouns, on the one hand this, this, this , on the other hand that, that, that and also the stressed, deictic der, die, das , that resembles the definite article and a form of the relative pronoun . That, that, that is often replaced in the spoken language by that there, that there, that there or the like.
Declination of this , this , this :
Singular masculine | Singular feminine | Singular neutral | Plural | |
Nominative | this he | this e | this it | this e |
Genitive | this it | this he | this it | this he |
dative | this em | this he | this em | this en |
accusative | this en | this e | this it | this e |
That , that , that are declined in the same way as this , this , this :
Singular masculine | Singular feminine | Singular neutral | Plural | |
Nominative | that he | that e | jen it | that e |
Genitive | jen it | that he | jen it | that he |
dative | that em | that he | that em | those en |
accusative | those en | that e | jen it | that e |
Declination of der , die , das :
Singular masculine | Singular feminine | Singular neutral | Plural | |
Nominative | of the | the | the | the |
Genitive | whose | theirs | whose | theirs |
dative | the | of the | the | those |
accusative | the | the | the | the |
The genitive forms of this and their (but not those ) can also be prefixed attributively to a noun:
- my neighbor and her (not her ) dog
- my neighbors and their (not their ) dogs
Pre-setting, however, only the forms can its and those (not their ) can be used. The shape of which is used but rarely feminine in the singular because of those is usually interpreted as a plural form:
- the flowers of those who came to visit me (rarely)
- the flowers of those who came to visit me
Mhd. , ahd. der, diu, daz goes back to the idg. pronominal stem to- .
Mhd. images this (dirre) Disiu, Ditze (diȥ) , ahd. desertion (Therer) desiu, diz (i) is from fusion of the so a to IE. as belonging -si formed.
Mhd. (j) ener , ahd. (j) enēr is probably based on the idg pronominal stem eno .
Demonstrative article words and pronouns
In the newer grammar, as it u. a. is also represented in the current Duden grammar, the old part of speech classification is partly abandoned. In Duden grammar, words like this are treated together with a number of other words that also have a demonstrative function:
- the / die / das as a demonstrative
- this and that
- the one
- same
- ↑ Duden. Correct and good German. Edited by the Duden editorial team. 6th, completely revised edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim / Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich 2007 (Duden Volume 9), p. 618.
- ^ The dictionary of origin (= Der Duden in twelve volumes . Volume 7 ). 5th edition. Dudenverlag, Berlin 2014 ( p. 215 ).
- ^ The dictionary of origin (= Der Duden in twelve volumes . Volume 7 ). 5th edition. Dudenverlag, Berlin 2014 ( p. 221 ).
- ^ The dictionary of origin (= Der Duden in twelve volumes . Volume 7 ). 5th edition. Dudenverlag, Berlin 2014 ( p. 414 ).
- ^ Duden editors: The grammar . 8th edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim, Vienna, Zurich 2009, ISBN 978-3-411-04048-3 , pp. 281-286 .
- ^ Duden editors: The grammar . 8th edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim, Vienna, Zurich 2009, ISBN 978-3-411-04048-3 , pp. 286-288 .
- ^ Duden editors: The grammar . 8th edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim, Vienna, Zurich 2009, ISBN 978-3-411-04048-3 , pp. 288 f .
- ^ Duden editors: The grammar . 8th edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim, Vienna, Zurich 2009, ISBN 978-3-411-04048-3 , pp. 289-291 .
- Holger Diessel: Demonstrative. Form, Function, and Grammaticalization (= Typological Studies in Language . Volume 42 ). John Benjamin, Amsterdam a. a. 1999, ISBN 1-55619-656-3 .
- Snježana Kordić : demonstrative pronouns in the Slavic languages . In: Bernhard Symanzik, Gerhard Birkfellner, Alfred Sproede (eds.): The translation as a problem of linguistic and literary research in Slavic and Baltic studies (= studies of Slavic studies ). tape 1 . Publishing house Dr. Kovač , Hamburg 2002, ISBN 3-8300-0714-0 , p. 89–116 ( [PDF; 2.1 MB ; accessed on October 2, 2013]).