Snježana Kordić

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Snježana Kordić as keynote speaker at a conference in Japan (2018)

Snježana Kordić  [ ˈsnjɛʒʌnʌ ˈkɔːrditʃ ] (born October 29, 1964 in Osijek , SR Croatia , Yugoslavia ) is a Croatian Croatian scholar and linguist . In Croatia she is considered the most important critic of the language purism there . Please click to listen!Play


Snježana Kordić studied Serbo-Croatian and South Slavic literature at the Philosophical Faculty of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Osijek and graduated in 1988. She completed postgraduate studies in linguistics and Croatian studies at the University of Zagreb in 1992 and received her doctorate in 1993. Members of the dissertation committee were Ivo Pranjković, Josip Silić, Milan Mihaljević and Vladimir Anić.

Words at the border of the lexicon and grammar in Serbo-Croatian

In 2002 habilitated them at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Munster , and received the venia legendi for Slavic Philology . Members of the habilitation commission were Gerhard Birkfellner (Münster), Wilhelm Grießhaber (Münster), Karl Gutschmidt (Dresden), Helmut Jachnow (Bochum) and Peter Rehder (Munich). Habilitation thesis : words in the border area of ​​lexicon and grammar in Serbo-Croatian; Course-related course: Tempora of Russian; Habilitation colloquium: Serbo-Croatian vs. Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin.

In 1990 Kordić was a research assistant at the Croatian Department of the University of Osijek and then a research assistant at the Department of Croatian Language at the Philosophical Faculty in Zagreb. From 1993 to 2007 she worked at German universities: as a research assistant at the Seminar for Slavic Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum and at the Institute for Comparative Linguistics, Phonetics and Slavic Philology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main ; as a university lecturer at the Slavic-Baltic Seminar of the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster and as a visiting professor at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin .


Frequency of free relative clauses (2–10 % ) in a corpus of relative clauses in Serbo-Croatian (Kordić)

Kordić has published several linguistic books and one hundred and fifty linguistic works in the fields of grammar , syntax , text linguistics , pragmatics , corpus linguistics , quantitative lexicology , sociolinguistics , language politics . Above all, she dealt with relative clauses , personal and demonstrative pronouns , forms of politeness , definiteness , text cohesion , anaphorics , cataphorics , deixis , koreference , adverbs , modal verbs , word order , number , Germanisms , existential clauses and conjunctions .

She became known to a wider public through her book on language and nationalism ( Jezik i nacionalizam ) , published in 2010 . In it she deals with the question of what influence language has on the creation of a new identity in Croatia and how nation, identity, culture and history are abused by politically motivated linguists. The book attracted a lot of media interest: the author gave around sixty interviews , mainly in Croatia but also in Bosnia-Herzegovina , Serbia and Montenegro . German newspapers have also reported on it. In addition, the Süddeutsche Zeitung honored the publisher Nenad Popović as one of the six people from all over the world who made a contribution to peace in 2010. The reasoning for the decision emphasizes that in 2010 he published the book Jezik i nacionalizam by Kordić, which was “a slap in the face of the nationalists”. The book Jezik i nacionalizam became the inspiration for the declaration on the common language in 2017 .

Kordić's works have received positive reviews in international journals .

Snježana Kordić (2010)

Goran Miljan wrote about her book Jezik i nacionalizam :

“Kordić works out the ideas of language, linguistics, politics, history, culture, etc. in a well-structured and academically highly praiseworthy way. The book offers the reader an understanding of the highly politicized language politics in the former Yugoslavia. [...] The violent reactions to the book should come as no surprise: While some intellectuals praised the book, many saw it necessary to fight against such heresy. "

The Polish Slavist Henryk Jaroszewicz concludes his review published in the specialist journal Socjolingwistyka as follows:

“In summary, one can say with full conviction that 'Jezik i nacionalizam' is a capital monograph. […] One can even dare to say that Snježana Kordić's monograph has the potential to become a milestone in the history of Croatian studies, an epoch-making work - in the truest sense of the word - for Croatian linguistics. On the one hand, in 'Jezik i nacionalizam' a wide sociolinguistic spectrum of the most important phenomena and linguistic processes related to the development and functioning of the Croatian standard in the 20th century is presented in an objective way. It also contains an accurate diagnosis of the state of the contemporary Croatian communication space. In addition, it reveals numerous myths that are deeply rooted in Croatian linguistics and have had a negative impact on the development of the Croatian language for decades. Snježana Kordić's work can thus become a kind of catharsis in Croatian studies, an excellent and sincere reckoning with the era in which Croatian linguistics was so often stuck in scientific stagnation and belittled by the Croatian elite to a weapon in the political struggle for the Croatian state has been. The only question is whether today's Croatian studies and today's Croatian society are ready to accept a work like 'Jezik i nacionalizam'? "

In her review of the Italian magazine Studi Slavistici , Maria Rita Leto highlights the following:

“For years in Croatia, Kordić has been trying to untie the knot that binds linguistics, nationalism and politics (and that is why she has been marginalized and attacked for years). [...] Again, Kordić patiently separates the linguistic aspect from politics, with the desire to strictly adhere to the principles of linguistics in order to maintain its independence from nationalist propaganda and manipulation. […] The book by Snježana Kordić is a clearly written and analytical book that one reads with pleasure. "

Book chapter handwritten

In the review of the book Jezik i nacionalizam , published in the London magazine The Slavonic and East European Review , it says:

"With this book, Kordić offers an exemplary gesture that shows that linguistics can maintain its independence, dignity and high academic standards against political manipulation."

Jerzy Molas writes the following in his review published in the Journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences:

"Very carefully, with the help of the extensive literature in the field of Slavic and general linguistics, sociology, anthropology and political science, it sets out all the aspects of the dispute over the Serbo-Croatian language that have been discussed so far."

In Pavel Krejčí's review, published in a Czech philological journal, it says:

“On the basis of the scientific arguments, which the author patiently discusses over four hundred pages, Serbo-Croatian exists objectively and realistically, regardless of how fervently the nationalist-minded South Slavic linguists try to prove the opposite. [...] the book is undoubtedly one of the most important and valuable publications on this subject. "

“Snježana Kordić's monograph is undoubtedly the fruit of an in-depth study of the various aspects of language policy in Croatia and the former Yugoslavia. A large number of citations and the bibliography of over five hundred units, which contains works by German, English, French, Swedish, Russian, Danish, Croatian, Serbian and Polish researchers, show that Kordić entered 'Jezik i nacionalizam' during the preparation of the book has studied a wide range of relevant literature. The result is an impressive work. "

The German Slavist Ulrich Obst states, "All pseudo-arguments are brilliantly refuted" and concludes his review with the following words:

“One would like to expressly wish that the book will fall on fertile ground, especially among those people who are prominent in the political and cultural life of the states concerned, and, where necessary, lead to a rethinking process, so that maybe In the former Yugoslavia, too, a de-emotionalized view of the entire range of questions is encouraged. "


Complete list of all publications by Snježana Kordić


Kordić's book The Relative Clause in Serbo-Croatian

Sociolinguistic essays (selection)

Snježana Kordić (2018)
  • Language and nationalism in Croatia. In: Studia Philologica Slavica: Festschrift for Gerhard Birkfellner on the occasion of his 65th birthday, dedicated by friends, colleagues and students: Volume I. Bernhard Symanzik (Ed.), Lit , Berlin 2006, pp. 337–348. (= Münster texts on Slavic Studies, Volume 4) ISBN 3-8258-9891-1 , HBZ HT015261015 , ÖNB AC06110292 , read online (PDF; 1.2 MB)
  • National varieties of the Serbo-Croatian language. In: Bosnian - Croatian - Serbian as foreign languages ​​at the universities of the world. Biljana Golubović, Jochen Raecke (eds.), Sagner, Munich 2008, pp. 93-102. (= Die Welt der Slaven, anthologies - Sborniki, Volume 31) ISBN 978-3-86688-032-0 , SSRN 3434432 , ÖNB AC07155292 , read online (PDF; 1.3 MB)
  • Language (s) politics: Enlighten or hide ?. In: Language (s) politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in German-speaking countries: anthology for the conference of the same name on March 22, 2011 in Sarajevo. Saša Gavrić (Ed.), Goethe-Institut Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austrian Embassy, ​​Swiss Embassy, ​​Sarajevo 2011, ISBN 978-9958-19-591-4 , pp. 68-75, SSRN 3434548 , read online (PDF; 1, 1 MB)
  • Language policy in Yugoslavia and what experiences Europe can gain from it. In: Cronotopi slavi: Studi in onore di Marija Mitrović. Persida Lazarević Di Giacomo, Sanja Roić (ed.), Firenze University Press, Firenze 2013, pp. 235–247. (= Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, Volume 20) ISBN 978-88-6655-427-1 , SSRN 3434482 , read online (PDF; 1.2 MB)

Systems linguistic essays (selection)

  • Pronouns in the antecedent and restriction / non-restriction of relative clauses in Croatian-Serbian and German. In: Slavjano-germanskie jazykovye paralleli / Slavic-Germanic language parallels. Adam Evgen'evič Suprun, Helmut Jachnow (eds.), Belorusskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, Minsk 1996, pp. 163-189. (= Sovmestnyj issledovatel'skij sbornik slavistov universitetov v Minske i Bochume) OCLC 637166830 , SSRN 3434472 , read online (PDF; 2.4 MB)
  • Existential sentences in the South Slavic languages. In: Contributions to the XII. International Slavist Congress Krakow 1998. Hans Rothe, Helmut Schaller (eds.), Sagner, Munich 1998, pp. 31–49. (= Marburg treatises on the history and culture of Eastern Europe, Volume 38) ISBN 3-87690-628-8 , SSRN 3434467 , read online (PDF; 1.8 MB)
  • Causality and gradation in the same construction. In: Vertogradъ mnogocvětnyj: Festschrift for Helmut Jachnow. Wolfgang Girke , Andreas Guski, Anna Kretschmer (Eds.), Sagner, Munich 1999, pp. 119–130. (= Specimina Philologiae Slavicae, Volume 64) ISBN 3-87690-723-3 , SSRN 3434460 , read online (PDF; 1.2 MB)
  • Personal and reflexive pronouns as carriers of personality. In: Personality and Person. Helmut Jachnow, Nina Mečkovskaja, Boris Norman, Bronislav Plotnikov (eds.), Harrassowitz , Wiesbaden 1999, pp. 125–154. (= Slavic Study Books , New Series, Volume 9) ISBN 3-447-04141-2 , SSRN 3434465 , HBZ TT002136193 , read online (PDF; 2.8 MB)
  • Current Europeanization of South Slavic languages. In: Journal of Balkanology. XXXVI, 2 (2000), Wiesbaden, pp. 167-177. ISSN  0044-2356 , ZDB -ID 201058-6
  • The grammatical category of number. In: Quantity and grading as cognitive-semantic categories. Helmut Jachnow, Boris Norman, Adam E. Suprun (eds.), Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2001, pp. 62–75. (= Slavic Study Books , New Series, Volume 12) ISBN 3-447-04408-X , SSRN 3434454 , read online (PDF; 1.2 MB)
  • The generalizing čovjek 'man' in Croatian-Serbian. In: Women and men in the language, literature and culture of the Slavic and Baltic regions. Bernhard Symanzik, Gerhard Birkfellner, Alfred Sproede (Eds.), Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2002, pp. 165–187. (= Writings on cultural studies, Volume 45) ISBN 3-8300-0641-1 , HBZ HT015265089 , ÖNB AC05140098 , read online (PDF; 1.8 MB)
  • Demonstrative pronouns in the Slavic languages. In: The translation as a problem of linguistic and literary research in Slavic and Baltic studies. Bernhard Symanzik, Gerhard Birkfellner, Alfred Sproede (Eds.), Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2002, pp. 89–116. (= Studies on Slavic Studies, Volume 1) ISBN 3-8300-0714-0 , SSRN 3434530 , HBZ HT015264114 , read online (PDF; 2.1 MB)
  • Is the Serbo-Croatian system of local adverbs changing? In: Functional Description of Slavic Languages: Contributions to the XIII. International Slavist Congress in Ljubljana. Tilman Berger , Karl Gutschmidt (Eds.), Sagner, Munich 2003, pp. 115-137. (= Slavolinguistica, Volume 4) ISBN 3-87690-844-2 , SSRN 3434444 , BibSlavKon 1023 , read online (PDF; 1.8 MB)
  • Can you count butterflies? In: Morphology - Orality - Media: Festschrift for Jochen Raecke. Tilman Berger, Biljana Golubović (Eds.), Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2008, pp. 171–178. (= Studies on Slavic Studies, Volume 15) ISBN 978-3-8300-3589-3 , SSRN 3434434 , read online (PDF; 749 kB)
  • Complex sentence patterns. In: Die Slavischen Sprachen / The Slavic Languages: An international handbook of their structure, their history and their research / An International Handbook of their Structure, their History and their Investigation: Volume I. Sebastian Kempgen , Peter Kosta , Tilman Berger, Karl Gutschmidt (Ed.), De Gruyter , Berlin, New York 2009, ISBN 978-3-11-015660-7 , pp. 592–607, SSRN 3434429 , ÖNB AC07371652 , read online (PDF; 1.5 MB)


Web links

Commons : Snježana Kordić  - album with pictures

Individual evidence

  1. ^ In Japan Conferences on Language and Nationalism . In: Tač . Mostar December 19, 2018 ( [accessed January 7, 2019] Serbo-Croatian: U Japanu konferencije o jeziku i nacionalizmu .). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from December 21, 2018 on WebCite ))
  2. 50th birthday on October 29, 2014. In: Birthday calendar: Birthdays of prominent people. (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from November 1, 2014 on WebCite ))
  3. a b Bahrer, Manuel: The language policy in the Balkans is similar to that of the Third Reich . In: Kosmo (magazine) . Vienna March 15, 2018 ( [accessed January 27, 2019]). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from January 5, 2019 on WebCite ))
  4. TV interview with Kordić (60 minutes) ( )
  5. Excerpts from newspaper reviews ( Memento from July 19, 2014 on WebCite ). In: , June 12, 2014, ISSN  1849-143X (Serbo-Croatian)
  6. Former staff at the Chair for Croatian Language in Zagreb ( Memento from February 26, 2014 on WebCite )
  7. Complete overview of the courses held at German universities
  8. Sander, Martin: Nationalist language? Ex-Yugoslavia argues over vocabulary . In: Deutschlandradio . Berlin May 23, 2017 ( [accessed October 6, 2018]). Min. 0: 31-0: 41
  9. Fight against nationalism: Snježana Kordić honored as Person of the Year . In: N1 televizija . Sarajevo December 30, 2018 ( [accessed January 26, 2019] Serbo-Croatian: Borba protiv nacionalizma: priznanje Snježani Kordić za osobu godine .). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from January 4, 2019 on WebCite ))
  10. Barbara Ivančić: No language is clean: Interview with Snježana Kordić . In: Versodove: rivista di litteratura . tape 17 . Bologna 2015, ISBN 978-88-940845-2-8 , pp. 9–13 ( ( memento from January 7, 2016 on WebCite ) [PDF; accessed January 8, 2016] Italian: Nessuna lingua è pura: Intervista a Snježana Kordić .) }
  11. Ruselina Nicolova: review of the book S. Kordić 'The relative clause' . In: Journal for Slavic Studies . tape 43 , no. 1 , 1998, ISSN  0044-3506 , OCLC 205053304 , ZDB -ID 200198-6 , p. 113-115 .
  12. It is “a book that is much cited by the public” (Martin Sander: Croatia's Purity. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . January 27, 2012, ISSN  0376-6829 ). (Serbo-Croatian); see also the article sh: Jezik i nacionalizam in the Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia
  13. a b Goran Miljan: Review of S. Kordić's Book 'Jezik i nacionalizam' . In: H-Soz-u-Kult . 2012, ISSN  2196-5307 , ZDB -ID 2627296-9 ( [accessed on September 22, 2013]).
  14. BKS is a language and has nothing to do with Yugoslavia! ( Memento from September 15, 2016 on WebCite ). In: Kosmo (magazine) . August 31, 2016.
  15. Snježana Kordić: Short legs of lies . In: Slobodni Filozofski . Zagreb August 24, 2018 ( [accessed January 7, 2019] Serbo-Croatian: Kratke noge laži .). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from August 26, 2018 on WebCite ))
  16. Tatjana Gromača Vadanjel : Linguists have given up science in favor of nationalist politics. In: Novi list . July 4, 2015, pp. 12–13 in the features section Pogled , ISSN  1334-1545 (Serbo-Croatian: ).
  17. Mija Pavliša: The car of the linguist Snježana Kordić was vandalized in front of her apartment. In: T-portal. August 16, 2013, ISSN  1334-3130 (Serbo-Croatian: ).
  18. Interviews in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro
  19. ^ Norbert Mappes-Niediek : The Serbo-Croatian language: No fool's discount . In: Frankfurter Rundschau . January 17, 2011, ISSN  0940-6980 , p. 31 : “Kordić's arguments are simple, clear and incorruptible: Serbo-Croatian continues to exist independently of the fantasies of national politicians - as a“ polycentric language ”, just as German, English, French and Spanish are spoken in different variants in different countries. What makes her book scandalous is that she does not give the former war opponents any fool's discounts for their language warfare. The other side did not have to bother to argue for twenty years; the contribution of linguistics to the ideological national defense was only too welcome in political parties, publishing houses and editorial offices. Now that someone is saying that the emperor has no clothes on, the national side appears to have nothing to offer. Except anger: After public demonstrations against her in her hometown Osijek and a death threat, Snježana Kordić no longer reveals her whereabouts. ” (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from July 5, 2012 on WebCite ))
  20. People who make peace. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . December 29, 2010, p. 2, ISSN  0174-4917 ( )
  21. Vučić, Nikola: Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks and Montenegrins speak the same language . In: N1 televizija (=  broadcast N1 na jedan ). Sarajevo November 21, 2016 ( [accessed June 2, 2018] Serbo-Croatian: Srbi, Hrvati, Bošnjaci i Crnogorci govore istim jezikom .). Min. 01:05
  22. We all speak our language . In: Danas . June 9, 2017, ISSN  1450-538X ( [accessed January 30, 2019] Serbo-Croatian: Svi govorimo naš jezik .). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento of July 14, 2017 on WebCite ))
  23. Panel discussion "Who owns our language?", Cf. Min. 25:21 on YouTube (Serbo-Croatian)
  24. a b Henryk Jaroszewicz: Recenzja książki S. Kordić 'Jezik i nacionalizam' . In: Socjolingwistyka . tape 36 , 2012, ISSN  0208-6808 , OCLC 912781666 , ZDB -ID 17476-2 , p. 251–259 ( online ( memento of May 26, 2013 on WebCite ) [PDF; accessed September 21, 2013]).
  25. ^ Maria Rita Leto: Recensione del libro S. Kordić 'Jezik i nacionalizam' . In: Studi Slavistici . tape 8 , 2011, ISSN  1824-761X , ZDB -ID 2182164-1 , p. 395-397 ( [accessed September 24, 2013]).
  26. ^ Zoran Milutinović: Review of S. Kordić's Book 'Jezik i nacionalizam' . In: The Slavonic and East European Review . tape 89 , no. 3 , 2011, ISSN  0037-6795 , OCLC 744233642 , ZDB -ID 209925-1 , p. 520–524 ( online ( memento of July 7, 2012 on WebCite ) [PDF; accessed September 22, 2013]).
  27. Jerzy Molas: Recenzja książki S. Kordić 'Jezik i nacionalizam' . In: Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej . tape 45 , 2010, ISSN  0081-7090 , OCLC 5888927367 , ZDB -ID 202237-0 , p. 209–216 , doi : 10.11649 / sfps.2010.015 ( online ( memento of July 7, 2012 on WebCite ) [PDF; accessed on September 22, 2013]).
  28. Pavel Krejčí: Knižní recenze 'Jezik i nacionalizam' od S. Kordićové . In: Opera Slavica: slavistické rozhledy . tape 22 , no. 4 , 2012, ISSN  1211-7676 , ZDB -ID 1223023-6 , p. 59–63 ( [PDF; 69 kB ; accessed on September 23, 2013]).
  29. Ulrich Obst: Review of the book S. Kordić 'Jezik i nacionalizam' . In: Journal of Balkanology . tape 49 , no. 1 , 2013, ISSN  0044-2356 , ZDB -ID 201058-6 , p. 139-147 , JSTOR : 10.13173 / zeitbalk.49.1.0139 ( [accessed on 29 March 2014]).
  30. Publications.
  31. ^ Reviews on this ( memento of March 30, 2013 on WebCite ) in philological journals: The Slavonic and East European Review 75/1, London, 1997, pp. 122–123 J. Ian Press; Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku 39/1, Novi Sad, 1996, pp. 208–212 Miloš Kovačević; Slavia: časopis pro slovanskou filologii 66/1, Praha, 1997, pp. 98-100 Helena Běličová; New Zealand Slavonic Journal 31, Wellington, 1997, pp. 258-260 Hans-Peter Stoffel; Južnoslovenski filolog 53, Beograd, 1997, pp. 227-236 Ivana Antonić; Zeitschrift für Slawistik 43/1, Berlin, 1998, pp. 113–116 Ruselina Nicolova; International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 42, Columbus, 1998, pp. 159-177 Andrew Corin; Australian Slavonic and East European Studies 12/1, Melbourne, 1998, pp. 172-174 Roland Sussex
  32. ^ Reviews on this ( memento of March 30, 2013 on WebCite ) in philological journals: The Slavonic and East European Review 81/4, London, 2003, pp. 713–715 Peter Herrity; Poradnik Językowy 6, Warszawa, 2003, pp. 70-72 Jerzy Molas; Književnost i jezik 49 / 3-4, Beograd, 2002, pp. 355–358 Milivoj Alanović; Srpski jezik 7 / 1-2, Beograd, 2002, pp. 529-532 Mihailo Šćepanović; Slavia: časopis pro slovanskou filologii 72/3, Praha, 2003, pp. 334–336 Ludmila Uhlířová; Južnoslovenski filolog 59, Beograd, 2003, pp. 189–191 Milka Ivić; Slovesa 3 / 5-6, Banja Luka, 2003, pp. 233-239 Miloš Kovačević; Linguistica 43, Ljubljana, 2003, pp. 168-172 Marina Zorman; Zbornik Matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku 46/1, Novi Sad, 2003, pp. 286–290 Vladislava Petrović; Slavia Meridionalis 4, Warszawa, 2004, pp. 273-280 Predrag Piper; Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie 29/1, Sofija, 2004, pp. 103-106 Iskra Likomanova; Slavic and East European Journal 49/3, Berkeley, 2005, pp. 539-541 Matthew Feeney; Canadian Slavonic Papers 50 / 1-2, Alberta, 2008, pp. 193-199 ( April 2, 2013 memento on WebCite ) Wayles Browne
  33. Reviews on this in specialist journals (selection): The Slavonic and East European Review 89/3, London, 2011, 520-524 ( Memento from July 7, 2012 on WebCite ) Zoran Milutinović; H-Soz-u-Kult (April 6, 2012) 1-2 (PDF; 84 kB) Goran Miljan; Studi Slavistici 8, Firenze, 2011, 395-397 ( Memento from July 12, 2012 on WebCite ) Maria Rita Leto; Studia z Filologii Polskiej i Słowiańskiej 45, Warszawa, 2010, 209-216 ( Memento from July 7, 2012 on WebCite ) Jerzy Molas; Riječ 5, Nikšić, 2011, 185-191 ( memento from July 12, 2012 on WebCite ) Rajka Glušica; Discrepancija 11 / 16-17, Zagreb, 2012, 217-220 Josip Ivišić; Eurasia Border Rewiew 3/1, Hokkaido, 2012, 127-132 Tomasz Kamusella; Socjolingwistyka 26, Kraków, 2012, 251-259 ( Memento from May 26, 2013 on WebCite ) Henryk Jaroszewicz; Opera Slavica - slavistické rozhledy 22/4, Brno, 2012, 59-63 ( Memento of 26 May 2013 Webcite ) Pavel Krejčí; Journal for Balkanology 49/1, Wiesbaden, 2013, 139-147 Ulrich Obst; Nasleđe 12/34, 2016, 269-273 (PDF) Bojana Gerun. Reviews in newspapers (selection): Kristeligt Dagblad (January 21, 2011) and H-alter ( memento of July 9, 2012 on WebCite ) Per Jacobsen; Novi list (October 10, 2010), 6 ( memento of July 5, 2012 on WebCite ) Slobodan Šnajder; Slobodna Dalmacija (August 21, 2010), 2-3 Vladimir Matijanić; Zarez (March 17, 2011), 38-39 ( July 7, 2012 memento on WebCite ) Vinko Hut Kono; BH Dani (July 16, 2010), 70 Vuk Bačanović; Danas (August 7, 2010), 17 ( Memento from May 31, 2013 on WebCite ) Ljubiša Rajić; Novi list (5 September 2010), 7 ( memento from 5 July 2012 on WebCite ) Nikola Petković; Vreme (November 18, 2010) 52-53 Teofil Pančić; Zarez (February 27, 2014), 6 Aleksandar Hut Kono; Školegijum (August 14, 2015) Amila Selimović; (June 10, 2016) Nikola Vučić.
  34. Interview on the Spanish translation