Horácio de Almeida (historian)

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Horácio de Almeida (* 1896 in Paraíba ; † June 5, 1983 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian lawyer and historian .


Almeida married young and had children. In 1930 he completed his law studies and worked as a lawyer in the prefecture of Areia (Paraíba) . In 1936 he became an employee of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Paraibano ; In 1941 he founded the Academia Paraibana de Letras together with others ; In 1946 he became Secretário de Interior, Justiça e Segurança of Paraíba State . At the same time he was the owner of the magazine Jornal Estado da Paraíba . Disappointed with the politics of his state, he moved to Rio de Janeiro , where he opened a law firm. Almeida dealt in his writings with the history of Paraíba and was considered "polemical".


  • Joacil de Britto Pereira: Horácio de Almeida: as rotas do seu destino. In: Revista da APL. No. 12, João Pessoa, 1977.
  • Amaury Vasconcelos: Horácio de Almeida, historiador maior. João Pessoa: Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Paraibano IHGP. OCLC 656905058

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Individual evidence

  1. Carlos F. de Araújo Júnior, Liélia Barbosa Oliveira, Flávio Carreiro de Santana: "Horácio de Almeida: seu Lugar (social) e sua história ." (PDF; 126 kB) In: Annals of the XIII Encontro Estadual de História - Guarabira, PB. 28–31 October 2008, ISBN 978-85-8964-67-6 .