Horst Krutschinna

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Horst Krutschinna (born May 31, 1909 in Szardehlen ; † 1945 ) was a German officer and adjutant of the Reich Youth Leader Baldur von Schirach .


Krutschinna came from East Prussia. He studied German, history and philosophy. On June 1, 1929, he joined the NSDAP (membership number 135821). He became leader of District I and the Königsberg (Prussia) university group of the National Socialist German Student Union (NSDStB), later adjutant to the Reich Youth Leader and area leader of the Hitler Youth . He ran for election on the NSDAP's nomination on the list with the number 506 in the election to the German Reichstag on March 29, 1936 , but did not enter the National Socialist Reichstag . At that time he lived in Berlin-Charlottenburg , Neue Kantstrasse 9.

After an alleged love affair with the wife of the war reporter of the Völkischer Beobachter and writer Roland Strunk , he shot him down during a duel on pistols on October 17, 1937 when the bullet was exchanged for the third time with a shot through the hip. Despite an immediate operation by the referee of the duel, the chief physician Karl Gebhardt , Strunk died on October 22, 1937 in the Hohenlychen Clinic . Having been informed of this incident, Adolf Hitler immediately forbade any form of duel in the German Reich . Hitler demonstratively sent his Reich Press Chief to the burial at the Hohenlychen forest cemetery with an extremely large bouquet of flowers. Hitler's anger over the incident was based not least on the fact that he had lost one of the few internationally recognized German correspondents. Kruchinna had to leave the service of v. Schirachs and left the Hitler Youth and died in an accident shortly after the end of the war.


  • Herbert Kater: The view of honor of the SS, National Socialism, SS and duel. Himmler as a fraternity. The duel between R. Strunk and Horst Krutschinna . Once and Now, Yearbook of the Association for Corporate Student History Research , Vol. 38 (1993), pp. 265-270.
  • Christian Rohrer: National Socialist Power in East Prussia, 2006, ISBN 9783899750546 , p. 584.