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Howella brodiei

Howella brodiei

Sub-cohort : Neoteleostei
Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Pempheriformes
Family : Howellidae
Scientific name
Ogilby , 1899

The Howellidae are a family of perch-related fish, to which three genera belong that were previously assigned to the cod perch (Percichthyidae) and the lantern bellies (Acropomatidae). All types of the family live in the sea, mostly at greater depths of 100 to 1800 meters.


The Howellidae species are 7 to 10 cm long. They are characterized by a characteristic structure of the infraorbital bones (skull bones), by the reduction of the anterior part of the hyomandibulars , the lack of contact between the ray carriers (pterygiophores) of the first and second dorsal fin, a free ray- less ray carrier in front of the second dorsal fin, 16 vertebrae in the caudal spine, a characteristic structure of the scales and some other features.

Genera and species

The Howellidae includes three genera and eight species that were previously assigned to the codfish (Percichthyidae) and the lantern bellies (Acropomatidae).

The fossil perch genera Synagropoides and Cottopsis may also belong to the new family.

Web links

Commons : Howellidae  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e A. M. Prokofiev: The osteology of Bathysphyraenops symplex and the diagnosis of the Howellidae (Perciformes: Percoidei) family. Journal of Ichthyology, Volume 47, Number 8, 566-578, doi : 10.1134 / S0032945207080036
  2. a b Howellidae on (English)