Hoya collina

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Hoya collina
Order : Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Family : Dog poison family (Apocynaceae)
Subfamily : Silk plants (Asclepiadoideae)
Tribe : Marsdenieae
Genre : Wax flowers ( hoya )
Type : Hoya collina
Scientific name
Hoya collina

Hoya Collina is a plant of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of asclepiadoideae (Asclepiadoideae).


Hoya collina is an epiphytic , twining-climbing, perennial plant with cord-shaped, flexible shoots. The shoots, which are round in cross section, are richly foliated and glabrous. The opposite leaves are short stalked and are spread or spread-ascending. The leaf stalks are fleshy and runny on top. The fleshy leaf blades are elliptical or ovoid-elliptical, 3.5 to 5.5 cm long and in the middle or slightly above the middle (towards the tip) 1.8 to 2.7 cm wide. The apex is blunt, the base is wedge-shaped. The top and bottom are bare. The leaf nerve consists of the not very prominent central rib and 2 pairs of secondary ribs; one pair goes off the midrib near the base, the second pair just a little above the first pair.

The umbellate inflorescences contain 6 to 12 flowers. The peduncle is about 4 cm long. Inflorescence stalks and pedicels are bare. The very slender flower stalks are about 1 cm long. The sepals are ovate-triangular and 1.25 mm long. They are blunt and bare on the outside. The greenish-white corolla is wheel-shaped with a diameter of 0.8 cm, the petals are fused in the lower half. The corolla lobes are broadly ovate and end blunt. They are densely covered with short papillae on the inside. The corolla lobes are elliptical and spread out. They are about 1.75 mm long from the tip of the inner extension to the end of the outer extension. The inner process is blunt-lobed, the outer process is blunt. The tips are slightly thickened at the top in the longitudinal direction, the sides are rounded. The anthers are short. The pollinia are obliquely oblong with a very small, rhombic corpusculum. The pollinia attach almost directly to the corpusculum, so caudiculae are almost absent. Fruits and seeds are not known.

Similar species

Hoya collina differs from Hoya eitapensis and Hoya microstemma in that it has thicker and fleshier shoots and slightly larger leaves. The flower color of Hoya eitapensis is a yellowish white, of Hoya microstemma flesh-colored with a pinkish red corolla .

Geographical distribution and habitat

The species occurs in Papua New Guinea at the foot of the Finisterre Mountains at approx. 400 m above sea level. Worse found it blooming in August 1908 on trees and bushes in the forests of the hills above the Kambaran River


The taxon was described by Rudolf Schlechter in 1913. The holotype was kept in the herbarium of the Botanical Garden Berlin under the number Schlechter # 18114. It is not known whether it still exists. The Plants of the World online database accepts the taxon as a valid species.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Schlechter: The Asclepiadaceen of German New Guinea. Botanical Yearbooks for Systematics, Plant History and Plant Geography, 50: 81–164, 1913. Online at Biodiversity Heritage Library
  2. ^ Kew Science - Plants of the World: Hoya collina Schltr.