Hrafn Gunnlaugsson

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Hrafn Gunnlaugsson (born June 17, 1948 in Reykjavík ) is an Icelandic film director , best known for his Viking films The Flight of the Raven (Hrafninn flýgur, 1984) and The Shadow of the Raven (Í skugga hrafnsins, 1988) .


Hrafn had already written a play at the age of 19 , which was awarded by the Reykjavík City Theater and broadcast on Icelandic television . He studied theater and film in Sweden and published several literary works and other one-act plays. After completing his studies, he returned to Iceland, where his short film Lilie (Lija, 1978) took second place at the first Icelandic Film Festival in Reykjavík .

Hrafn released his feature film debut Father's Heritage (Óðal feðranna) in 1980 , which saw 120,000 Icelandic viewers. With his provocative second film Between Us (Ókkar á milli - í hita og thunga dagsins, 1982) , he prompted the Icelandic parliament to pass a law to protect national symbols. In the film, Hrafn had “disrespected” the national anthem and brought back to life an extinct geyser known as the national shrine. Hrafn later stated that he wanted to test "how far you can go".

In 1983 Hrafn published the Viking film The Flight of the Raven (Hrafninn flýgur) based on his own script. Following the example of Akira Kurosawa and Sergio Leone , the film adopts the structure and themes of classic western films. The Flight of the Raven was shown in a special screening in 1984 as the first Icelandic film at the Berlinale . After Hrafn became program director of Icelandic television from 1986 (until 1989), Der Schatten des Raben (Í skugga hrafnsins) followed in 1988 , which again uses Icelandic sagas, but also uses ancient Greek tragedies and borrowings from the Celtic legends about Tristan and Isolde . The 2.5 million euro film was so successful internationally that Hrafn was able to shoot the sequel The White Viking (Hvíti víkingurinn, 1991) for around five million euros, which marks the end of his Viking trilogy.


  • 1974: Áramótaskaup
  • 1975: Góða veislu gjöra Skal
  • 1976: Blood red sunset (Blóðrautt sólarlag)
  • 1976: ceramics (ceramics)
  • 1979: Silbermond (Silfurtunglid)
  • 1980: paternal inheritance (Óðal feðranna)
  • 1981: The Whip (Vandarhögg)
  • 1982: Between us (Okkar á milli: Í hita og þunga dagsins)
  • 1983: The Perfect Crime (Fullkominn glepur)
  • 1984: How to sow ... (Hver er ...)
  • 1984: The Flight of the Raven (Hrafninn flýgur)
  • 1985: Reykjavík
  • 1986: The executioner and the whore (Bödeln och skökan)
  • 1988: The Shadow of the Raven (Í skugga hrafnsins)
  • 1988: Ingmar Bergman in Iceland (Ingmar Bergman á Islandi)
  • 1991: The White Viking (Hvíti víkingurinn)
  • 1993: The mysterious hill (Hin helgu vé)
  • 1998: Þegar það gerist
  • 1999: Myrkrahöfðinginn
  • 2000: Reykjavík í öðru ljósi
  • 2003: Opinberun Hannesar

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Michael Lachmann, Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs: Film in Scandinavia . 1st edition. Henschel, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-89487-178-4 , p. 103.