Huang Zhong

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Huang Zhong (黃忠, Huáng Zhōng), also Hansheng (漢 升, Hànshēng), (* 148 in Nanyang district; † 221 ) was one of the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han under Liu Bei .

He began his military career, relatively late, after the Yellow Turban Revolt , when he served Liu Biao as corps commander and was charged with defending Chang Sha. When Liu Biao was later attacked by Cao Cao , Huang Zhong accepted the post of deputy general under Han Xuang . In Nanjun, Huang Zhong was captured by Guan Yu and followed Liu Bei's command with his troops . There he was able to record great successes in the conquest of Ba Shu, which earned him the title "Who destroyed the barbarians".

During the Battle of Mount Dingjun ( 219 ), Huang Zhong's army monitored key mountain passes and was able to kill Wei commander Xiahou Yuan . For this victory, Huang Zhong was rewarded with the title "Who Conquered the West". In the same year, Liu Bei proclaimed himself King of Han Zhong , and Huang Zhong was named one of the Five Tiger Generals . In 221 , when Liu Bei ascended the throne of Shu as emperor, Huang Zhong became one of the commanders in chief. At the Battle of Yi Ling, when Liu Bei attacked Sun Quan from Wu, Huang Zhong fell on the battlefield.