Hubert Dellwing

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Hubert Dellwing (born September 25, 1918 in Schaufenberg ; † June 6, 1980 in Alsdorf ) was a German politician (SPD).

Dellwing was a member of the SPD in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia . Dellwing was elected in the 4th electoral term via the state list and served in the state parliament from June 15, 1959 to July 29, 1962.

After primary school he attended the mining vocational school. From 1953 he was a member of the works council of the Anna II mine of the Eschweiler mining association . In 1946 Hubert Dellwing joined the SPD and the mining industry union . In 1948 he was elected chairman of the local SPD association in Alsdorf. In 1949 he came to the city council of Alsdorf for the first time. Here he took over the parliamentary group chairmanship in 1950. In 1952 he became a member of the district council of Aachen. Here he was u. a. active in the district and finance committee and in the prisoner of war compensation committee. In 1956 he took over the chairmanship here as well. Hubert Dellwing left the district council on December 31, 1971 .

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Hubert Dellwing at the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia