Helicopter Transport Squadron 64

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Helicopter transport squadron 64
- HTG 64 -

Squadron coat of arms of the HSG 64

Squadron coat of arms HSG64
active October 1, 1966 to April 1, 1994
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Armed forces Bundeswehr Kreuz.svg armed forces
Armed forces Bundeswehr Kreuz.svg air force
Master of ceremonies Colonel Hans-Otto Elger

The helicopter transport squadron 64 (HTG 64) was from 1966 to 1994 a flying unit of the air force of the German armed forces .


The helicopter transport squadron 64 was put into service on October 1, 1966 in Penzing near Landsberg . Personnel and material came from three air rescue and liaison squadrons from Faßberg , Lechfeld and Fürstenfeldbruck and - after the jet training was transferred to the USA - from parts of the pilot school "A". In January 1968 the 3rd air rescue and liaison squadron was placed under Ahlhorn. In May 1968 the newly established 4th season moved to Diepholz. From February 1968 to May 1969, the UH-1D was introduced as the sole operational model, thus reducing the number of types in the squadron. After the Lufttransportgeschwader 62 was dissolved , the HTG 64 relocated with three squadrons to the Ahlhorn Air Base in April 1971 . The reinforced 1st season stayed in Penzing. With the takeover of Air Force Structure 4, HTG 64 was dissolved on April 1, 1994. The air transport squadron and the flight readiness of the Federal Ministry of Defense took over the personnel and material .

As a new, pure helicopter squadron of the Air Force, the helicopter squadron 64 (HSG 64) was put into service on October 1, 2010 in Holzdorf .

Use of the HTG 64

In addition to the routine provision of helicopters for Search and Rescue (SAR) and the support of air rescue , the HTG was involved in numerous missions at home and abroad:

  • 1969/70: East Frisian Islands (airlift to supply the population after days of severe storms)
  • 1969: Tunisia (flood disaster)
  • 1970: East Pakistan ( flood disaster )
  • 1971: Turkey (earthquake relief)
  • 1975: Lower Saxony ( fighting forest fires )
  • 1979: Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein ( snow disaster )

Aircraft type

UH-1D of the HTG 64

The air fleet consisted of:


No. Surname from to
1 Colonel Johannes Naumann October 1, 1966 September 30, 1973
2 Colonel Rudolf Meyer 1st October 1973 April 30, 1975
3 Colonel Max Dietrich May 1st, 1975 19th August 1981
4th Colonel Werner Geissinger August 21, 1981 March 29, 1984
5 Colonel Jörg Rappke April 1, 1984 March 31, 1990
6th Colonel Hans-Otto Elger April 1, 1990 September 30, 1993


Web links

Commons : Helicopter Transport Wing 64  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. HTG 64 in the Federal Archives; viewed on June 19, 2010  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / startext.net-build.de