Hugh Sebag-Montefiore

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The mansion (Engl. The mansion ) of Bletchley Park (Photo 2017) belonged to 1937 the family Sebag-Montefiore, was then during the Second World War, the headquarters of the British code breaker and is now a museum.

Hugh Sebag-Montefiore (born March 5, 1955 ) is a British writer. He first worked as a lawyer before he became a journalist and has since made a name for himself as a historian and non-fiction author.

One of his books is Enigma - The Battle for the Code , in which he describes the story of the breaking of the German key machine Enigma by British code breakers in Bletchley Park, England during World War II . The Sebag-Montefiore family owned this property, some 70 km northwest of London , before selling it to the British government in 1937.

Another book by Sebag-Montefiores is Dunkirk - Fight to the Last Man , which deals with another World War II theme, namely the Battle of Dunkirk and the relief of the British Expeditionary Force's bridgehead forces . One of Sebag-Montefiore's ancestors found himself in the bridgehead and was happily evacuated.

Hugh Sebag-Montefiore lives in London with his wife and three children. For his extensive research, especially on the Enigma, he made numerous trips, including to Warsaw , Berlin , Paris and Washington . His brother is Simon Sebag-Montefiore .


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