Hugo Leopold Georg Valentin von Nordeck zur Rabenau

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Hugo Leopold Georg Valentin Freiherr von Nordeck zur Rabenau (born April 16, 1755 in Neustadt (Hesse) ; † April 20, 1832 there ) was a royal-imperial captain, landowner in Rüddingshausen (Gießen district) and Neustadt (Hesse), co-lord the middle castle of Rabenau .


His parents were Conrad Christoph Benedikt Wolfgang Joseph von Nordeck zur Rabenau (1713–1781) and Maria Elisabeth Schütz von Holzhausen (1719–1759).

At the age of 25, he married 22-year-old Therese Bassilia de Huldenberghe van der Borch on September 10, 1780 in Bruges (Flanders) (born July 12, 1758 in Bruges; † January 29, 1823 in Neustadt (Hesse)). She was the daughter of Anton de Huldenberghe van der Borch, alderman and alderman in Bruges, and Michelle Duchamps.

The couple Hugo and Therese had the following children:

⚭ Baron Carl Joseph von Rosenbach († 1806)
⚭ Baron Johann Jacob von Zwierlein († 1815)
  • Friedrich Joseph Kilian (1793–1863), Hessian general and politician and former member of the 1st and 2nd chambers of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse ⚭ October 27, 1829 in Frankfurt am Main Freiin Ernestine Therese Leopoldine von Zwierlein (1810–1871), daughter his older sister Carolin (1787–1837)
  • Charlotte (1785–1872) ⚭ Germani Berna, banker in Frankfurt am Main
  • Wilhelm Johannes Friedrich Karl (1798–1862), Solms-Braunfels district forester and forester in Hungen and later Umstadt, 1838–1841 member of the Hessian state parliament, 2nd chamber

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