Hyacinthe Robillard d'Avrigny

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Hyacinthe Robillard d'Avrigny (* 1675 in Caen , † April 24, 1719 in Alençon ) was a French historian .

Robillard d'Avigny was educated by the Jesuits and later appointed procurator at Alençon College.

Father Louis Lallemant censored two of his works at the will of the superiors:

  • Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire eccléslastique 1600–1617 , Paris 1720 and
  • Memoires pour servir à l'histoire universelle de l'Europe 1600–1716 , Paris 1725

The former was listed on the Forbidden Books Index in Rome despite Lallemant's censorship. In the second, Lallemant's censorship was carried out in such a way that the content of the work was completely different from that of d'Avrigny.

It is said that he died in 1719 out of grief over this censorship.

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